today finally went for my first lesson of driving theory.
was late but luckily the tcher very nice lemme in.
kinda blur thru cuz some of the thing was quite chim.
n the students inside all lyk damn clever or smth.
they noe the ans to every qns!!
only i was blur.
then went clementi to meet georgina cuz we r gng out!!!
walked lyk crazy.. super tired..
sorry i must wait for georgina to blog first b4 i can rmb wad happened.
oh, we were toking abt shit.
if ur shit floats, u eat too much green.
if ur shit sinks, u eat too much meat.
for me im a sinker n floater.
how can it be when i dun eat veggies at all??
in short, i bought 2 tops.
one can actually be a dress.
saw this little boy at spageddies.
super cute. kept staring at me.
he even waved to me too.
then i took pic of him.
his mother was smiling. lololol.
oh.. i finally rmb wad i wanted to blog..
yq n ly said tt i've slimmed down.
how cld it be when i've quit my only source of excercise-dance.
and my eating habit havent change at all?
been chiong-ing antm these few days.
watching every single cycle frm 1 to the recent 9.
gng to shop online nw. heh.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
found this song by fan wei qi.
i tink she wrote it for me.
Small Eyes
Those weak and small eyes.
You tried hard to open those eyes.
But others thought that
You haven't woke up fully.
Those small eyes wearing contact lenses.
Trying to squeeze bowling balls
Into the size of a golf ball.
Hoped to open those eyes really big.
Tried to stick it with tape.
Thinking if he will notice you
If he walked pass you.
Don't give up those small eyes.
Eyes that are small are attractive in their own ways.
Take those glasses down
Be attractive
He is already taking notice of you.
Don't suspect those small eyes.
Your eyes are the most attractive to him.
Try to squeeze in your contact lenses.
He is already finding it hard to resist.
like super nice.
awwww.. finally someone who understands me.
haha. i really lyk my eyes even though EVERYONE says that they are small.
i dun tink i will look nice with really big eyes too.
i still love my SMALL eyes!!! =D
i tink she wrote it for me.
Small Eyes
Those weak and small eyes.
You tried hard to open those eyes.
But others thought that
You haven't woke up fully.
Those small eyes wearing contact lenses.
Trying to squeeze bowling balls
Into the size of a golf ball.
Hoped to open those eyes really big.
Tried to stick it with tape.
Thinking if he will notice you
If he walked pass you.
Don't give up those small eyes.
Eyes that are small are attractive in their own ways.
Take those glasses down
Be attractive
He is already taking notice of you.
Don't suspect those small eyes.
Your eyes are the most attractive to him.
Try to squeeze in your contact lenses.
He is already finding it hard to resist.
like super nice.
awwww.. finally someone who understands me.
haha. i really lyk my eyes even though EVERYONE says that they are small.
i dun tink i will look nice with really big eyes too.
i still love my SMALL eyes!!! =D
Saturday, September 29, 2007
just scanning thru the testimonials given to me on frenster.
found some tt's really touching n funny!
by my sis on 13/12/2003:
"heehee.. my jie jie.. tok to her alwaes
dun listen to me one... then tell her
wad ozo tell other one...but then hoh
is i sae out her thing hoh she will
kill me one... bleh... cant c anything
good about her la... haha..."
by patricia on 20/12/2003:
"hAizz..sAY tiLL i sO bad, bUt alSo
nvm..iTs oKIe..=)... i shAll wRite a
lOng onE foR u aS u ask for..=) aND diS
testimoniAL sHaLL not bE boUT bAd
thingS.. i agRee tt E lasT teStimONial
for u is a lil shOrt riTe? sO aS agReed
wid u, i shAll wRite anOther ONe foR
diS grAnd "queen"..kidding..im gona be
beheaded if i coNtinue to mAke fUN of
hEr?..=p..whEn aRe u goIng to boRn uR
pRince or pRincess? hehe..kk.. wONt sAy
moRe boUt tt.. lAter lEt hEr cUm
afTer..Sh is mY bEz fRen thOugh aT
timEs i sTrugglEd wiF tt aNS? k lAh..
hehe..sHE iS my bez fren.. i gOT to
kNow her mORe diS yr.. whEn i sAw hEr
1sT time, liKE moSt pPle, thEY will
thINk she is fRm chIna, bUt pLs dun gEt
miStakeN, shE is nOT!.. hEr mOOds
chAnges very quIckly toO..shE cAn
sMtimEs bE laughing wiF u, dEn nx
mOment, sEe her vEri veRi quIet onE..or
either wiF anger? dEn shOPping wIF her,
nO enJoymenT oNE. whEN she bad mOod, i
wiLL also be kiNd of( affeCted by
her)..now i seems to BE like
coMplaining? haha..=p bUt im nOt
hehe..dUN worrY!.. aH...dEn alSo alWays
diSappEar oNE..sMtiMEs i sEe her bEsiDe
me, den i wiLL stArt toKing, dEn oncE i
tuRn, shE is gONe!! wEll, she is... den
pPle arOUnd me wILL theRefoRe thINk im
mAd,.. sAd sAd =(.. dUN thINk u kNow
rITe? nOW dEn i stArt to mEntiON to u..
hehe.. bUT aLso nVm.. i done tt mANy
times already.. tts y not embarrass
anymore? hehez..N whEn she eats, u cANt
mAKe fUn of her too? coz...oKie..
hahaz..aNd one thIng pple, iS tat wE
not leS hoR! okiE? hehe..diS gurl here
iS sINglE.. yeS! shE is sInglE!! siNgle
foR now..N gUys dUn like mE hor? sh..
thEY like u..haha..k lah..ah.. 1 iMpt
thing i diDnt wrITe is tat sHE lOve
aTtention aloT.. so giF it to heR!!
haha..hMMm.. wAd mORe can i sAy.. i hAf
aloT actUally.. buT suDdenLy aLL
forgOTen..bUt ovErall sHE is a nIce
pErson.. sHE is a gOod fren toO..shE
wiLL b thEre whEn i neEd her anD giF me
aDviSe nO mAtTer wAd kInd Of pRoblEm? N
deAr gAl, im sRy iF i Ask u to rePeAT
wad u are sAying.. cOz i gEt eAsilY
cArried awAy bY othEr pPle arOund me at
tiMEs..oR iM drEaming awaY? haha..
yUp..sO glAd tt u AccepT me foR whO
im.. as i hAf accEpted u foR whO u
Are..tts true.. lAstly..mAY u gRow wiF
E loRd.. aND i wILL be mISsing u guRl..
hmMM.. y suDdenly i sAY tiLL so
sAD..??? nx yr still hAf to c u..
actually still got boUt 2 yRs and mOre
to go?.. mY hAnDs is tiRed.. i meAN
fiNgers.. sO wAD u thINk boUt diS
lOoooOOnnnNNNGgg teStiMoniAl? i nOE u
wlD accEpt it..=).. itS an eSsay fRm
mE.. =)..zZZZZZzZZ (tiRed) tAts aLL!!..
by jason on 22/12/2003:
"3rd testi fer this gerl.. tat 3rd testi
kana make away by the stupid frenster..
argh!!! muz kill it.. qi si ren.. nvm
continue testi first... she ar... veri
cheerful one..fair fair cute cute de..
the oppposite of her bez fren yuting..
hahahahah....u see this da lu mei mi mi
yan ar veri cute one... u will feel
like pinching her.. haha den she a lil
siao siao one.. got once dunno hu say
she pregnant she go say.. wo huai yun
le!!! zhe mo ban!!!??? shui yao fu ze
ren!!!??? siao one lol.. but farny
lah.. sumtimes too lame cannot luff den
40 degrees still will cold sia
haha..got time i go pinch this cute ger
ger here.. haha .. later she kick me i
by zihao on 28/12/2003:
"Seow Hui is a cute and adorable gerl (
instructed by seow hui to add this
part) she gives people the impression
tat she is frm china and many people
say tat too ... The first time i saw
her i was mistaken too ... Maybe it is
because of her rounded and fair china
doll face and that pair of
seducing "MIMI" eyes ... haha .... i
even hear some people callin her "dalu
mei" in english which means mainland
women which refers to a china woman...
haha ... now for her looks well... she
is fairer then one of her very good
frend or she i say les partner ( u noe
who P_T ) haha .... And as i said
her "mimi" eyes and rosey cheeks which
makes her look extra cute and radiant
when she smiles ... she is also rather
slim and has a not bad figure ... Quite
sexy .... hahaha .... She is also a
chinese dancer and she fits the role as
she looks like a china gerl ... i have
seen her perform a couple of times but
never really seem to notice her
haha .... jokin ... ur dancing was
good ... A how much have i written ...
never mind ... for those who feel bored
already please bare wit mi thx ... Here
comes more... Now her personality ....
Hmmmmmm....... Oh YA !!!!!! she is one
god DaM_ pervertic gerl haha .... she
and jiehao are the perfect match both
are equally pervertic ... haha ... now
i remember she was the one that thought
me and jason about bra stuff ...
haha ... She looks so innocent but yet
under that innocent and pure lookin
face comes a far more complex and
pervertic nature ...... haiz ... so
never judge a book by its cover ! hand
pain liao .... i also remember that her
hair used to be like vercimilli and mi
and jasom would always tease her ...
but wait !!!!! she rebonded her hair
and now .... haiz ... not so bad
liao .... sorry .... u said no bad
things ... haha u dun mind rite ...
wonder is this enough Hmmmmmmm.....
seow hui is also a cheerful and kinda
open minded gerl, out going and
considered a ChiooOOOooooo gerl la ...
So guys out there !!!!!! better watch
out for her .... Sorry but this is the
best i can ... haiz ... sobx .... to be
frank i dun really noe her well 4 these
past 2 yrs so faith has brought us
together for the nxt 2 yrs so i hope i
can get 2 noe u much better and u seem
fun to be wit so there shouldnt be a
prob wit that ... so stay cool and rock
on "daLU mEI" ... OoooopPPPs ... i mean
gerl haha .... Best of luck in
everthing u do ...."
by jason on 28/12/2003:
"$he wat me flood her one so i flood
.. i am a veri gd kor kor of hers...
she always ask me BUY FER HER present
one...but den she nv buy fer me b4...
so bad one... at least the other mei
mei of mine gt buy fer me bday
present.. but den is she buy liao dun
wan gif me one.. haiz.. both also so
bad.. haiz.. wei she mo... wei she mo
zhi you wo na mo ke lian.... :'(.....
haiz.. nth to say abt her liao leh..
tok crap.. haha her things all say in
the previous few liao...
whaahahahaha... xiao hui... sexy
gerl... see her figure u noe liao.. in
my class most perfect one... haha...
see her back view bez.. hehez.. see
front view also bez.. wahaha.. but den
dun focus on her body onli lah.. see
her face also.. cute cute de.. always
luff.. dunno y also.. siao siao one..
haha... mi mi yan.. so cute.... *p|nCh*
*p|nCh* hehez... later she will whack
me lol... but den dun onli see her
face also lah.. see her character
also... ehx... nth gd to say.. die..
lol... erm... quite clever lah..
chinese veri gd... den veri christian
also.. same as ting.... her whole
family not christian wor... she go
change her self one.. make her parents
qi de ban si... haiz.... but den she
dun really noe abt all the things lah..
so not so christian so not so bad..
tooo christian or tooo watevaa of any
religion veri wat one.. crappy and
annoying.. always tok abt their
religion.. ting liao jiu xiang zhuan
tou kuai pao... sonic spd... blast of
at the speed of lite.. lol.... den ar..
she also quite bian tai one.. lol..
tats y veri ez get along with her.. tok
bian tai things with her.. haha..so
farn.. lol.. den she noe a lot of
things one.. ehx.. so call my tcher
also loh lol.. she also nai ma of sum
ppl wor.. also my nai ma ... hahaha..
wah... she damn wei da sia.. lol...hao
wei da... hen duo ying er will ai si ni
de xiao hui.... lol.. i write till here
lah.. i think veri long liao.. wah.. so
long.. i dun think write so long fer
other ppl b4.. u first one wor..
wahahahhhahaha wonder will how long
leh.. to make sure longest in her
testi.. i write summore... lol.. i wan
be the most boh liao one
lol......wahahahaa.. dong gan chao
ren!!! she also like la bi xiao xin..
same as me!!! wahahhahaha... but den
now dunno like a not leh.. haha one
thing same as me she also like zhou jie
lun ... wahahahha we like the same
thing... wahaha.. but we like diff
person.. wahhaa she gal i guy.. i like
gal she also like gal.. .!!!! :| die..
say her secret out.. she les.. lol...
no la she normal one.. haha.... like
tar bor de...haha.. but den always say
she gao les with ting.. lol.. den
always got take video one.. ask dem
show me dey dun wan.. haiz.. so bad..
got gd things dun fen xiang lol...
anyway... her most attrative look of
hers ar.. is her figure n her mi mi
yan.. lol.. i like her mi mi yan.. veri
cute.. haha... i think shld be enuff..
if not enuff i delete n write again..
lol.. whahwahahahha wo shi tian cai!!!"
by jason AGAIN on 28/12/2003:
GIMME A HELL YA... haha... i rewrite
fer her again.. i determine to write
the longest testimonial in the world..
onli can find in xiao hui's profiles
ar.. so everyone muz come n see..
hehez... muz go in world guiness
record... haha... so this one i gonna
slowly write... ehx... xiao hui.. how r
u .. lol... stupid question..
whahahaha.. i am lame.. lame dao jia
le.. lame dao biang biang shen lol...
haiz... she this gal ar.. like to luff
a lot.. did i say this in previous
testimonial?? aiyah.. dun care.. i juz
write wat i think.. whahaha... she veri
frenly de.. but den ar.. when she
angry.. dun make her.. she monster...
she will whack u till pi pi kai hua..
lol. no lah.. she angry hor.. also not
veri scary.. u juz say one joke to her
she.. hehehehe liao.. haha.. so cute
rite??? character cute cute face also
cute cute... tian shen yi dui long feng
pei.. not pui hor.. is pei.. thank
u...she also veri guai... lol.. ya she
quite guai one.. sum times veri notti
also.. when she determine do sumthing
ar.. she will do it one.. like erm...
got one school event she dun wan to go
she determine not to go.. count a not
aR?? lol... den she also chinese dance
de.. suit her face.. from china lai
eh.. shuo yi yao tiao zhong guo wu...
mari kita ya yak singapurasa ... lol...
national anthum.. did i get it
correct?? hope i did.. or else
president see i die.. executed.. den u
dun haf me this tian xia di yi gguai
kor kor le.. sad sad.. :'( den later
she at my funeral dance chinese dance i
sure haunt her one.. lol... nv die b4..
i die celebrate.. lol.... den erm.. she
emotional?? is she?? i dunno.. think so
la.. she look chui luo.. den she also
erm.. like to joke also la... but den
sumtimes so cold sia.. wah.. hao leng
wor.. den like to argue with me
de.. :@:@:@.. so bad... argh... den gif
me craps...... haha.. she also like to
see wo cai wo cai wo cai cai cai.. same
as me. yay.. wu zhong xian
supportor.....!!! yay... haha... she
also dun really go fer brands de.... so
her future bf n husband sure lucky....
haha dey will think.. wah.. i lucky
sia.. wife figure so perfect.. cute
cute also.. den wun spent so much money
also.. pick till gold liao.. lol!!! den
will treat her as bao bei everyday hug
n kiss her.. haha.. den she shy shy etc
etc etc.. aiyah i cut the crap lol....
but den she look like dun spent much
tat kind.. she also hard working de
wor... holidays she go work one leh...
dunno work as wat... *hint hint *
lol... bing lang mei.. wo yao mai bing
lang~~~ lol... den she earn a lot money
one.. wah.. nu qiang ren... her bf eat
luan fan liao.. die... so ke lian..
haiz.. throw face lol... this kind
throw away haha eat luan fan... lol..
she like me buy presents fer her one..
erm.. i change a bit.. she like any
body buy presents fer her one.... den
she will beri happy.. she ask u buy u
dun buy ar she will fine.. u gd... so
bad one u.. dun wan tok to u le..
hmph!!! " .. lol.... den her hair use
to be curly one.. den i always make
farn of it.. so sorri.. but den she nv
angry... so gd.. :D:D den now she
rebone once... not so curly le.. den
rebone again.. haven see b4 ar... new
hair style.. lol.. wah.. ppl rebone
once she twice.. tsk tsk.. waste
money.. but den hers freee.. her cousin
help her one.. wah.. so gd.. but go
till penang there juz to rebone hair...
haiz.. so sad... tai hao you kong
wor... lol... y no bois date her??? all
die liao.. lol..i also die le.. ahh.. i
shy shy la.. tao yan.. lol... ehx.. i
her kor.. cannot date one.. muz ask..
lol... no diff wahahahha.. so lame...
LAME!!! lame lame zhuan jia... nx year
diff class as her liao.. so sad...
haha.. den u see her ar... veri fragile
one.. veri ez bully.. but i let her
bully one.. piang... lol.. shows tat i
veri scared of char bor.. lol.
wahhaha.. wo hao you feng du.. :P... k
lah.. write till here.. i wonder long
enuff a not.. not enuff i will write
again de.. dun worry.. be happy.. tian
cai always be there fer ya gerl........
to make sure no one beat me.. lol.. i
wanna write longer leh.. wahaha.. damn
am i annoying... lol.. hope xiao hui
wun think i annoying.. lol.. xiao hui..
she veri nice de lah.. not hot tempered
like xiao hei also.. not so violent
also.. so erm.. nvm.. write more..
whahaa... she will be more den happy..
wahaha keep asking me flood her
testimonial part.. i will floood like
mad.. wahahha.... she also like quite
early slp one leh.. always so early
offline... sumtime i early lah....
lol.. means she easily tired n luv to
slp.. wahhaah.. she also quite
trustable... although she dunno any of
my secrets.. haha.. she determine not
to tell me abt any secrets of her frens
or her sista one leh.. haiz.. dun trust
me so sad.... :'( haha... ok lah.. i
write till here... i think shall be
enuff.. hope so... wahha... tian xia di
yi cong ming ren xiaoyuer gao ci le..
zai jian.. buaix... nitez.. cya...
crap.. lol....
"I'm not as simple as you may think "---
------- Squall Leonhart"
by yunli on 31/12/2003:
GOOSEBUMPS!) My darling. dearest.
sugar pie. honey bunch. sweety. cutie.
*musshy mushhy* haha. YOUR um..HUBBY
IS HERE!(psSt..i'm STRAIGHT! i'm
i'm STRAIGHT! i'm not lesbian) How's
your tummy now. Growing bigger day by
day eh? Got go Gynaecologist? Girl or
boy? I want a GIRL girl! More filial.
haha. See you at the hospital.
Hmmm...Seow Hui here is supa cute! As
fair as white paint. nono. Not pale
white. Hmm..Beige color larr. Hair now
damn straight right? haha. This young
girl here is a good comforter, fuN,
cUte, adorable. Deserves a peck on the
cheek! *muaH* So glad to have you as
my wife. *snickers. Hmm..remember
there was a little misunderstanding
when we were sec 1. So sorry. Now we
are happily married. So happy! Got
closer to you this year. Remember we
always say how handsome Edison Chen
is. Going goo goo gaH gAh over him. My
gosh...I still love him. (Psst..Edison
Chen got #8 in Jamie Yeo's Hunk list.)
haha. Then we always go take neoprints
too! Haha. those funny pose. and there
was 1 which has Xinwei's hand blocking
your face! We laughed damn hard at the
neoprint shop! haha! OMG! That should
be the joke of the year man! Ahh..my
dear dear light up my days with her
charming smile. Always so jovial.
Seldom see her sulk. That's great! You
gimme inspiration. You gimme hope.
haha. I'm crazy. hehe. She is also a
very sweet girl. haha. Remember
the "Uncle~..." joke. Patty created
that. haha...so farnny! lmao! I always
run to your place there when I free.
Asking for sweets and stuff. Talking
to you and my other dear, yUting.
hehe. The other time went Escape with
you and your sister. haha! Scream
OMG! you're always so high pitched.
hehs. Ahhh...going Jason's house and
gamble. So fun! I was winning man that
day! Lady Luck was smiling on me!
WoOT! NEAT! haha. I'm not sure whether
you were winning. But the point is to
have fun larr. Everyone did have fun
right? Oh! I remembered you have a
lyrics book. Got a lot of lyrics
inside. I peeked at it during Art
lesson, remember? Hey...you know..it
is a good idea! Maybe I shall do that
too! haha. yUnli Copycat. So bad of
her. Ah...it's a new year now. `.happy
twenty 04.`! Although we might not be
in the same class but we still can run
to each other's class (since it's onl
beside) when the teacher hasn't
arrived yet! GREAT IDEA EH? haha.
Don't say I said so. Hope that me and
my wife will have a happy marriage. &
i certainly do hope that there will be
no third party to break our marriage!
Hope that you'll excel in your
studies! Love ya to the core! I wan
some sweets! I'm hungry! (OMG! My
testi is so mushhy mussshy!) haha.
lalala~ Pray that no one will snatch
my darling away! Always and forever
loving you! *sMOocH* hehe. (wheee...i
remembered to copy before i added!!
HOORAY!) (:"
by jiaqi on 22/02/2004:
"wanted me to write a new testimonial 4
her.. haha coz the first one didnt say
much bout her coz i suddenly say bout
frens thing... haha... so now i m here
again writing a brand new testimonial
for her saying lots and lots and LOTS
of thing about her k?? haha... seow
hui... a veri veri veri nice girlz...
cute and oso funny at times... noe her
since primary 2 when i transfer into
qifa. wow.. noe her for 8 yrs liaoz...
she very friendly, kind, helpful gurl..
realli miss the daes when we spend
2gether last time.. hope to gather
2gether again wif all the gd frenz last
time... i gt to be veri close wif her
cince primary 4 i tink... ae... 4get
liaoz.. but still gt rmb the happy
moments we have... still remember got a
few guys in he same class and oso same
level like her a lot... she like to
joke with us although some may be
cold... oo... she lky bryan of westlife
veri much last time but now can see
that she like simple plan and jay chou
liaoz... a responsible ger, monitress
of the class last time... hee hee...
long time see u for a long time
liaoz... so hope to see ya soon...
overall she is still a veri veri veri
nice ger ger... hmm... best wishes and
may god bless u... stay pretty and
healthy 4ever..."
seriously, i dun even noe got guys like me.
by patricia on 23/02/2004:
"i nOE u luV mE aloT..oUr teStimoniAl
sEems lyk eaCh other dAily diAry..
dis sentence u sure e 1st to agRee
onE=P..eAch timE i sAy" dun wanna tok
to u liAo" next sec, i will
be.. "hEy".. dEn u will sAY.. y are u
toking to mE ah.. hahaha..=P so
bAD!!!!.. 2dAy sEems lYk u duN tRust
me whEn i sAy "goT" hoR? haha.. seEms
lyk u duN nIT me aFtA all..=P.. lucky
i goT lotS of lao gong..=p// kiddin
la.. haha.. oF coZ im cRaZy lA..cANt
hElp iT one la.. u tOO boRing den i
hAF to mAKe myself hAppie hAppiE
mA..haha..=P.. hAiz.. of coZ i
remember da church cAMp or
retreat!!!!!.. haha..tAt wAS e bEz
tiME evER!! u oso agRee one ma.. coZ
it was our 1st time we "slpT togEther"
mA.. i noE u lovE mE la..u repeated
tat lots oF timEs..=P at 1st i kEep
ruShin u to slP.. den lAter, boTh of
uS weRe plAyin N plAyin.. anD me sAYin
all e cRapy stUff.. haha..U wenT alonG
wif my nonsense anD tat WaS vEry
fArn!!! dUN u aGreE wiD me??=P..wE
boTh aRe owAYs livin in our
woRld..=).. kInd of sAD lei.. iS tat
cAlled anti sociAl not ah? haha.. im
noT!!..=P.. okIe.. WE Are nOT!! buT we
Are hAPpiE mA..=)..in clAss diS gAL
oways plAy wif me oNE.. dEn plAy sian
alrdy, go plAy wif guy..hAHah.. plAy
fiNish, finD me again.. dEn we owaYS
LiKE TO SiNG SOng IN CLaSS.. " When I
FalL iN Luv.. iT wlD b foRever!!"
remember? haha.. today we kip sinGing
diS song..=).. i still think diS
sentence vEry mEAninful.. i wAnna uSe
it on u .. "everybody...wo wo wo..
nEeds someone tat thEy cAn truSt in...
Ur somEbody..wowowoww.. tAT i found
juZ in timE.." its frm a lRyicS.. =)..
touching and niCe ryt? and ur shoulder
is for me to lie one.. haha.. my
nAnny..=).. jUZ remember dun leArn my
footsteps of bEin so slOW k?? dun
lEarn dis pOint k?? gooD..=).. hAha..
i sTill nIt u to kIp trAck of my tiME
onE.. hAiz.. cANt imAgine our liFe w/o
eAch other..oNE thINg.. we nOT leS
ah..haha.. iF there iS a dAY tat
ANything wEnt wrONG btw uS.., DUN TELL
MY SECRET AWAY!!!..hAhhaa.. kiddin
la..thEre woNT b tAt dAy oNe.. i
proMiSE u!! fWenS foRever tiLL e eND
of tIME!!... nTh wiLL sEpEraTE uS..!!!
luv yA!!!~~*+pAtriciA+~*"
by yixuan 14/04/2004:
"seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeow hui!
stop staring laaaaaaa...IDIOT...
haha.. ok..she's just behind me now..
btw.. she begged me to write this//
hArHar..okiE.. guess what... she's in
dance... erm.. i mean the cheena
one... the one shake head right and
left with the hands shaking like
thinkeeeeeey winkeey.. yup.. thats
her! hmm..she lurves elmo..cos of
JAAAAAAAAA***..haha.. cheeful and
faaaaaaaaaair..or rather.. WHITE.. she
likes to laugh like a horse..
*neeeeeigh*! yup.. she trying to act
cute.. wah lao.. what dub dub.. HhnH!
known her this yr.. she'
niceeeeeeeeeee laaaaa..though she can
be quite a pig at times.. erm.. you
know what i mean la huh.. haha..
okiE.. i'll be back!
seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeow hui RAWKS my
socks! =p"
by gary on 22/05/2004:
"yO mY bAbY~ sHe'S mInE..~ muahaha!
she's my good fren. a cute one. but
take foto alwaz gt funi funi face. we
took many pics together with tInGz. so
fun!! but den her teeth not very white
de..den alwaz jealous of my straight
white teeth~ haiz..baby ar, dun be
upset. u still gt elmo mah! hahahaz~
she alwaz bite e straw..den wan share
drink wif her must turn over e straw
one. poor straw..haf to be bite by tis
ger. anyway she can luff wif me for
many hours..we 2 very de got mo qi~
alwaz luff at each other lame and
crappy jokes. even ppl ard us dun
understand our jokes...n dey will look
at e both of us luffin. lame wor!! she
luff got many levels...as in..first
lvl is smile, second lvl is use hand
cover n giggle, third level is look
upwards n use hand cover n laugh,
fourth lvl is look upwards, mouth open
big big and luff loud loud!!! den i
must alwaz look up see whether got
flies go into her mouth anot. muahaha~"
by jiali on 19/05/2005:
"xXx.. SeOw Hui ..xXx
after reading ur blog entries on
18may05, i feel tat it is a mus to add u
tis testi.. erm.. seriously mi very touched
after reading it but.. oso veri farni cant
stop laughing.. i cried after reading it..
erm is laugh till cry.. haha
aiyo.. i mus oso thank u lahx.. fer giving
me e chance to listen to ur story ma.. u
oso help me alot.. console me wheneva
my parents erm.. haha..
thank u fer companying me to sentose
when u actuali wanted to go jogging..
haha.. but mus thank me fer bringing u
to sentosa lehx..
wei.. olvl chi cuming le mus jiayou horx..
being a chi tcher is ur dream..mus get
a1.. den go ngeeann together.. or u
wanna go hwa zhong or temasak Jc??
after chi olvl xam we go sentosa again
kk?? go dance camp go watch movie
and alot others..
lastly thank u fer everything la.. dun feel
tat u r being used or anything k?? u r
always useless.. hahax kiddin kidding..
i rite u a v long test horx?? heex.. al e
best la..tak care.. fren 4eva.."
by georgina on 10/04/2006:
the one who made mi cried over the phone
the one who made mi furious
the one who made mi scold vulgarities
the one who creates the most laughter for mi
the one who makes mi clueless cos i didn't know whether wat she jus said was meant to be a joke
the one who makes mi disgrace myself in public places
the one who disgraces herself in public places becos of her funny(or is it weird?) actions
the one who makes my whole life enjoyable
the one i love n cherish most!!!:)
(gt cry?...tat time gif u my hand-made notebk u nv cry...tis time gt cry?...gettin emo anot...lol!!!)"
haha. yeah. we were once "enemies" before.
we fought every other night and cry on the phone late at night.
amazing tt we r super close nw!!
by edwin on 30/07/2007:
"Hey ONG SEOW HUI.... muhahhahaha... Your 30 years zhi jiao here... ^^v haha..Remember the first few days.. When every call me maple.. ur super sharp voice "EDWIN".. convert everybody to call me edwin ... lol... U know y i alway make u laugh... cos ur face very funny when u are laughing... Ur (line) eyes , ur mouth~~ i think u very fortunate to have a friend like me... ^^ whenever u are sad u can turn to me... my face will alway be there for u ~~ GAN DONG MA!!! Next time treat me XIU ZHUI can liao.. Friends forever... 20 more year.. we go join the strait time thingy.. 50 years zhi jiao~~"
haha. the straits times came to look for 30 yrs of frenship n participating in ndp.
so we sweared tt we wan to be frens this long too.
n appear on newspaper b4.
then we decided to extend to 50 yrs.
but we r kind of impatient.
so we fastforward till we haf alrdy been 30 yrs alrdy.
hahah. funny.
so tt's all i haf for today! =D
just scanning thru the testimonials given to me on frenster.
found some tt's really touching n funny!
by my sis on 13/12/2003:
"heehee.. my jie jie.. tok to her alwaes
dun listen to me one... then tell her
wad ozo tell other one...but then hoh
is i sae out her thing hoh she will
kill me one... bleh... cant c anything
good about her la... haha..."
by patricia on 20/12/2003:
"hAizz..sAY tiLL i sO bad, bUt alSo
nvm..iTs oKIe..=)... i shAll wRite a
lOng onE foR u aS u ask for..=) aND diS
testimoniAL sHaLL not bE boUT bAd
thingS.. i agRee tt E lasT teStimONial
for u is a lil shOrt riTe? sO aS agReed
wid u, i shAll wRite anOther ONe foR
diS grAnd "queen"..kidding..im gona be
beheaded if i coNtinue to mAke fUN of
hEr?..=p..whEn aRe u goIng to boRn uR
pRince or pRincess? hehe..kk.. wONt sAy
moRe boUt tt.. lAter lEt hEr cUm
afTer..Sh is mY bEz fRen thOugh aT
timEs i sTrugglEd wiF tt aNS? k lAh..
hehe..sHE iS my bez fren.. i gOT to
kNow her mORe diS yr.. whEn i sAw hEr
1sT time, liKE moSt pPle, thEY will
thINk she is fRm chIna, bUt pLs dun gEt
miStakeN, shE is nOT!.. hEr mOOds
chAnges very quIckly toO..shE cAn
sMtimEs bE laughing wiF u, dEn nx
mOment, sEe her vEri veRi quIet onE..or
either wiF anger? dEn shOPping wIF her,
nO enJoymenT oNE. whEN she bad mOod, i
wiLL also be kiNd of( affeCted by
her)..now i seems to BE like
coMplaining? haha..=p bUt im nOt
hehe..dUN worrY!.. aH...dEn alSo alWays
diSappEar oNE..sMtiMEs i sEe her bEsiDe
me, den i wiLL stArt toKing, dEn oncE i
tuRn, shE is gONe!! wEll, she is... den
pPle arOUnd me wILL theRefoRe thINk im
mAd,.. sAd sAd =(.. dUN thINk u kNow
rITe? nOW dEn i stArt to mEntiON to u..
hehe.. bUT aLso nVm.. i done tt mANy
times already.. tts y not embarrass
anymore? hehez..N whEn she eats, u cANt
mAKe fUn of her too? coz...oKie..
hahaz..aNd one thIng pple, iS tat wE
not leS hoR! okiE? hehe..diS gurl here
iS sINglE.. yeS! shE is sInglE!! siNgle
foR now..N gUys dUn like mE hor? sh..
thEY like u..haha..k lah..ah.. 1 iMpt
thing i diDnt wrITe is tat sHE lOve
aTtention aloT.. so giF it to heR!!
haha..hMMm.. wAd mORe can i sAy.. i hAf
aloT actUally.. buT suDdenLy aLL
forgOTen..bUt ovErall sHE is a nIce
pErson.. sHE is a gOod fren toO..shE
wiLL b thEre whEn i neEd her anD giF me
aDviSe nO mAtTer wAd kInd Of pRoblEm? N
deAr gAl, im sRy iF i Ask u to rePeAT
wad u are sAying.. cOz i gEt eAsilY
cArried awAy bY othEr pPle arOund me at
tiMEs..oR iM drEaming awaY? haha..
yUp..sO glAd tt u AccepT me foR whO
im.. as i hAf accEpted u foR whO u
Are..tts true.. lAstly..mAY u gRow wiF
E loRd.. aND i wILL be mISsing u guRl..
hmMM.. y suDdenly i sAY tiLL so
sAD..??? nx yr still hAf to c u..
actually still got boUt 2 yRs and mOre
to go?.. mY hAnDs is tiRed.. i meAN
fiNgers.. sO wAD u thINk boUt diS
lOoooOOnnnNNNGgg teStiMoniAl? i nOE u
wlD accEpt it..=).. itS an eSsay fRm
mE.. =)..zZZZZZzZZ (tiRed) tAts aLL!!..
by jason on 22/12/2003:
"3rd testi fer this gerl.. tat 3rd testi
kana make away by the stupid frenster..
argh!!! muz kill it.. qi si ren.. nvm
continue testi first... she ar... veri
cheerful one..fair fair cute cute de..
the oppposite of her bez fren yuting..
hahahahah....u see this da lu mei mi mi
yan ar veri cute one... u will feel
like pinching her.. haha den she a lil
siao siao one.. got once dunno hu say
she pregnant she go say.. wo huai yun
le!!! zhe mo ban!!!??? shui yao fu ze
ren!!!??? siao one lol.. but farny
lah.. sumtimes too lame cannot luff den
40 degrees still will cold sia
haha..got time i go pinch this cute ger
ger here.. haha .. later she kick me i
by zihao on 28/12/2003:
"Seow Hui is a cute and adorable gerl (
instructed by seow hui to add this
part) she gives people the impression
tat she is frm china and many people
say tat too ... The first time i saw
her i was mistaken too ... Maybe it is
because of her rounded and fair china
doll face and that pair of
seducing "MIMI" eyes ... haha .... i
even hear some people callin her "dalu
mei" in english which means mainland
women which refers to a china woman...
haha ... now for her looks well... she
is fairer then one of her very good
frend or she i say les partner ( u noe
who P_T ) haha .... And as i said
her "mimi" eyes and rosey cheeks which
makes her look extra cute and radiant
when she smiles ... she is also rather
slim and has a not bad figure ... Quite
sexy .... hahaha .... She is also a
chinese dancer and she fits the role as
she looks like a china gerl ... i have
seen her perform a couple of times but
never really seem to notice her
haha .... jokin ... ur dancing was
good ... A how much have i written ...
never mind ... for those who feel bored
already please bare wit mi thx ... Here
comes more... Now her personality ....
Hmmmmmm....... Oh YA !!!!!! she is one
god DaM_ pervertic gerl haha .... she
and jiehao are the perfect match both
are equally pervertic ... haha ... now
i remember she was the one that thought
me and jason about bra stuff ...
haha ... She looks so innocent but yet
under that innocent and pure lookin
face comes a far more complex and
pervertic nature ...... haiz ... so
never judge a book by its cover ! hand
pain liao .... i also remember that her
hair used to be like vercimilli and mi
and jasom would always tease her ...
but wait !!!!! she rebonded her hair
and now .... haiz ... not so bad
liao .... sorry .... u said no bad
things ... haha u dun mind rite ...
wonder is this enough Hmmmmmmm.....
seow hui is also a cheerful and kinda
open minded gerl, out going and
considered a ChiooOOOooooo gerl la ...
So guys out there !!!!!! better watch
out for her .... Sorry but this is the
best i can ... haiz ... sobx .... to be
frank i dun really noe her well 4 these
past 2 yrs so faith has brought us
together for the nxt 2 yrs so i hope i
can get 2 noe u much better and u seem
fun to be wit so there shouldnt be a
prob wit that ... so stay cool and rock
on "daLU mEI" ... OoooopPPPs ... i mean
gerl haha .... Best of luck in
everthing u do ...."
by jason on 28/12/2003:
"$he wat me flood her one so i flood
.. i am a veri gd kor kor of hers...
she always ask me BUY FER HER present
one...but den she nv buy fer me b4...
so bad one... at least the other mei
mei of mine gt buy fer me bday
present.. but den is she buy liao dun
wan gif me one.. haiz.. both also so
bad.. haiz.. wei she mo... wei she mo
zhi you wo na mo ke lian.... :'(.....
haiz.. nth to say abt her liao leh..
tok crap.. haha her things all say in
the previous few liao...
whaahahahaha... xiao hui... sexy
gerl... see her figure u noe liao.. in
my class most perfect one... haha...
see her back view bez.. hehez.. see
front view also bez.. wahaha.. but den
dun focus on her body onli lah.. see
her face also.. cute cute de.. always
luff.. dunno y also.. siao siao one..
haha... mi mi yan.. so cute.... *p|nCh*
*p|nCh* hehez... later she will whack
me lol... but den dun onli see her
face also lah.. see her character
also... ehx... nth gd to say.. die..
lol... erm... quite clever lah..
chinese veri gd... den veri christian
also.. same as ting.... her whole
family not christian wor... she go
change her self one.. make her parents
qi de ban si... haiz.... but den she
dun really noe abt all the things lah..
so not so christian so not so bad..
tooo christian or tooo watevaa of any
religion veri wat one.. crappy and
annoying.. always tok abt their
religion.. ting liao jiu xiang zhuan
tou kuai pao... sonic spd... blast of
at the speed of lite.. lol.... den ar..
she also quite bian tai one.. lol..
tats y veri ez get along with her.. tok
bian tai things with her.. haha..so
farn.. lol.. den she noe a lot of
things one.. ehx.. so call my tcher
also loh lol.. she also nai ma of sum
ppl wor.. also my nai ma ... hahaha..
wah... she damn wei da sia.. lol...hao
wei da... hen duo ying er will ai si ni
de xiao hui.... lol.. i write till here
lah.. i think veri long liao.. wah.. so
long.. i dun think write so long fer
other ppl b4.. u first one wor..
wahahahhhahaha wonder will how long
leh.. to make sure longest in her
testi.. i write summore... lol.. i wan
be the most boh liao one
lol......wahahahaa.. dong gan chao
ren!!! she also like la bi xiao xin..
same as me!!! wahahhahaha... but den
now dunno like a not leh.. haha one
thing same as me she also like zhou jie
lun ... wahahahha we like the same
thing... wahaha.. but we like diff
person.. wahhaa she gal i guy.. i like
gal she also like gal.. .!!!! :| die..
say her secret out.. she les.. lol...
no la she normal one.. haha.... like
tar bor de...haha.. but den always say
she gao les with ting.. lol.. den
always got take video one.. ask dem
show me dey dun wan.. haiz.. so bad..
got gd things dun fen xiang lol...
anyway... her most attrative look of
hers ar.. is her figure n her mi mi
yan.. lol.. i like her mi mi yan.. veri
cute.. haha... i think shld be enuff..
if not enuff i delete n write again..
lol.. whahwahahahha wo shi tian cai!!!"
by jason AGAIN on 28/12/2003:
GIMME A HELL YA... haha... i rewrite
fer her again.. i determine to write
the longest testimonial in the world..
onli can find in xiao hui's profiles
ar.. so everyone muz come n see..
hehez... muz go in world guiness
record... haha... so this one i gonna
slowly write... ehx... xiao hui.. how r
u .. lol... stupid question..
whahahaha.. i am lame.. lame dao jia
le.. lame dao biang biang shen lol...
haiz... she this gal ar.. like to luff
a lot.. did i say this in previous
testimonial?? aiyah.. dun care.. i juz
write wat i think.. whahaha... she veri
frenly de.. but den ar.. when she
angry.. dun make her.. she monster...
she will whack u till pi pi kai hua..
lol. no lah.. she angry hor.. also not
veri scary.. u juz say one joke to her
she.. hehehehe liao.. haha.. so cute
rite??? character cute cute face also
cute cute... tian shen yi dui long feng
pei.. not pui hor.. is pei.. thank
u...she also veri guai... lol.. ya she
quite guai one.. sum times veri notti
also.. when she determine do sumthing
ar.. she will do it one.. like erm...
got one school event she dun wan to go
she determine not to go.. count a not
aR?? lol... den she also chinese dance
de.. suit her face.. from china lai
eh.. shuo yi yao tiao zhong guo wu...
mari kita ya yak singapurasa ... lol...
national anthum.. did i get it
correct?? hope i did.. or else
president see i die.. executed.. den u
dun haf me this tian xia di yi gguai
kor kor le.. sad sad.. :'( den later
she at my funeral dance chinese dance i
sure haunt her one.. lol... nv die b4..
i die celebrate.. lol.... den erm.. she
emotional?? is she?? i dunno.. think so
la.. she look chui luo.. den she also
erm.. like to joke also la... but den
sumtimes so cold sia.. wah.. hao leng
wor.. den like to argue with me
de.. :@:@:@.. so bad... argh... den gif
me craps...... haha.. she also like to
see wo cai wo cai wo cai cai cai.. same
as me. yay.. wu zhong xian
supportor.....!!! yay... haha... she
also dun really go fer brands de.... so
her future bf n husband sure lucky....
haha dey will think.. wah.. i lucky
sia.. wife figure so perfect.. cute
cute also.. den wun spent so much money
also.. pick till gold liao.. lol!!! den
will treat her as bao bei everyday hug
n kiss her.. haha.. den she shy shy etc
etc etc.. aiyah i cut the crap lol....
but den she look like dun spent much
tat kind.. she also hard working de
wor... holidays she go work one leh...
dunno work as wat... *hint hint *
lol... bing lang mei.. wo yao mai bing
lang~~~ lol... den she earn a lot money
one.. wah.. nu qiang ren... her bf eat
luan fan liao.. die... so ke lian..
haiz.. throw face lol... this kind
throw away haha eat luan fan... lol..
she like me buy presents fer her one..
erm.. i change a bit.. she like any
body buy presents fer her one.... den
she will beri happy.. she ask u buy u
dun buy ar she will fine.. u gd... so
bad one u.. dun wan tok to u le..
hmph!!! " .. lol.... den her hair use
to be curly one.. den i always make
farn of it.. so sorri.. but den she nv
angry... so gd.. :D:D den now she
rebone once... not so curly le.. den
rebone again.. haven see b4 ar... new
hair style.. lol.. wah.. ppl rebone
once she twice.. tsk tsk.. waste
money.. but den hers freee.. her cousin
help her one.. wah.. so gd.. but go
till penang there juz to rebone hair...
haiz.. so sad... tai hao you kong
wor... lol... y no bois date her??? all
die liao.. lol..i also die le.. ahh.. i
shy shy la.. tao yan.. lol... ehx.. i
her kor.. cannot date one.. muz ask..
lol... no diff wahahahha.. so lame...
LAME!!! lame lame zhuan jia... nx year
diff class as her liao.. so sad...
haha.. den u see her ar... veri fragile
one.. veri ez bully.. but i let her
bully one.. piang... lol.. shows tat i
veri scared of char bor.. lol.
wahhaha.. wo hao you feng du.. :P... k
lah.. write till here.. i wonder long
enuff a not.. not enuff i will write
again de.. dun worry.. be happy.. tian
cai always be there fer ya gerl........
to make sure no one beat me.. lol.. i
wanna write longer leh.. wahaha.. damn
am i annoying... lol.. hope xiao hui
wun think i annoying.. lol.. xiao hui..
she veri nice de lah.. not hot tempered
like xiao hei also.. not so violent
also.. so erm.. nvm.. write more..
whahaa... she will be more den happy..
wahaha keep asking me flood her
testimonial part.. i will floood like
mad.. wahahha.... she also like quite
early slp one leh.. always so early
offline... sumtime i early lah....
lol.. means she easily tired n luv to
slp.. wahhaah.. she also quite
trustable... although she dunno any of
my secrets.. haha.. she determine not
to tell me abt any secrets of her frens
or her sista one leh.. haiz.. dun trust
me so sad.... :'( haha... ok lah.. i
write till here... i think shall be
enuff.. hope so... wahha... tian xia di
yi cong ming ren xiaoyuer gao ci le..
zai jian.. buaix... nitez.. cya...
crap.. lol....
"I'm not as simple as you may think "---
------- Squall Leonhart"
by yunli on 31/12/2003:
GOOSEBUMPS!) My darling. dearest.
sugar pie. honey bunch. sweety. cutie.
*musshy mushhy* haha. YOUR um..HUBBY
IS HERE!(psSt..i'm STRAIGHT! i'm
i'm STRAIGHT! i'm not lesbian) How's
your tummy now. Growing bigger day by
day eh? Got go Gynaecologist? Girl or
boy? I want a GIRL girl! More filial.
haha. See you at the hospital.
Hmmm...Seow Hui here is supa cute! As
fair as white paint. nono. Not pale
white. Hmm..Beige color larr. Hair now
damn straight right? haha. This young
girl here is a good comforter, fuN,
cUte, adorable. Deserves a peck on the
cheek! *muaH* So glad to have you as
my wife. *snickers. Hmm..remember
there was a little misunderstanding
when we were sec 1. So sorry. Now we
are happily married. So happy! Got
closer to you this year. Remember we
always say how handsome Edison Chen
is. Going goo goo gaH gAh over him. My
gosh...I still love him. (Psst..Edison
Chen got #8 in Jamie Yeo's Hunk list.)
haha. Then we always go take neoprints
too! Haha. those funny pose. and there
was 1 which has Xinwei's hand blocking
your face! We laughed damn hard at the
neoprint shop! haha! OMG! That should
be the joke of the year man! Ahh..my
dear dear light up my days with her
charming smile. Always so jovial.
Seldom see her sulk. That's great! You
gimme inspiration. You gimme hope.
haha. I'm crazy. hehe. She is also a
very sweet girl. haha. Remember
the "Uncle~..." joke. Patty created
that. haha...so farnny! lmao! I always
run to your place there when I free.
Asking for sweets and stuff. Talking
to you and my other dear, yUting.
hehe. The other time went Escape with
you and your sister. haha! Scream
OMG! you're always so high pitched.
hehs. Ahhh...going Jason's house and
gamble. So fun! I was winning man that
day! Lady Luck was smiling on me!
WoOT! NEAT! haha. I'm not sure whether
you were winning. But the point is to
have fun larr. Everyone did have fun
right? Oh! I remembered you have a
lyrics book. Got a lot of lyrics
inside. I peeked at it during Art
lesson, remember? Hey...you know..it
is a good idea! Maybe I shall do that
too! haha. yUnli Copycat. So bad of
her. Ah...it's a new year now. `.happy
twenty 04.`! Although we might not be
in the same class but we still can run
to each other's class (since it's onl
beside) when the teacher hasn't
arrived yet! GREAT IDEA EH? haha.
Don't say I said so. Hope that me and
my wife will have a happy marriage. &
i certainly do hope that there will be
no third party to break our marriage!
Hope that you'll excel in your
studies! Love ya to the core! I wan
some sweets! I'm hungry! (OMG! My
testi is so mushhy mussshy!) haha.
lalala~ Pray that no one will snatch
my darling away! Always and forever
loving you! *sMOocH* hehe. (wheee...i
remembered to copy before i added!!
HOORAY!) (:"
by jiaqi on 22/02/2004:
"wanted me to write a new testimonial 4
her.. haha coz the first one didnt say
much bout her coz i suddenly say bout
frens thing... haha... so now i m here
again writing a brand new testimonial
for her saying lots and lots and LOTS
of thing about her k?? haha... seow
hui... a veri veri veri nice girlz...
cute and oso funny at times... noe her
since primary 2 when i transfer into
qifa. wow.. noe her for 8 yrs liaoz...
she very friendly, kind, helpful gurl..
realli miss the daes when we spend
2gether last time.. hope to gather
2gether again wif all the gd frenz last
time... i gt to be veri close wif her
cince primary 4 i tink... ae... 4get
liaoz.. but still gt rmb the happy
moments we have... still remember got a
few guys in he same class and oso same
level like her a lot... she like to
joke with us although some may be
cold... oo... she lky bryan of westlife
veri much last time but now can see
that she like simple plan and jay chou
liaoz... a responsible ger, monitress
of the class last time... hee hee...
long time see u for a long time
liaoz... so hope to see ya soon...
overall she is still a veri veri veri
nice ger ger... hmm... best wishes and
may god bless u... stay pretty and
healthy 4ever..."
seriously, i dun even noe got guys like me.
by patricia on 23/02/2004:
"i nOE u luV mE aloT..oUr teStimoniAl
sEems lyk eaCh other dAily diAry..
dis sentence u sure e 1st to agRee
onE=P..eAch timE i sAy" dun wanna tok
to u liAo" next sec, i will
be.. "hEy".. dEn u will sAY.. y are u
toking to mE ah.. hahaha..=P so
bAD!!!!.. 2dAy sEems lYk u duN tRust
me whEn i sAy "goT" hoR? haha.. seEms
lyk u duN nIT me aFtA all..=P.. lucky
i goT lotS of lao gong..=p// kiddin
la.. haha.. oF coZ im cRaZy lA..cANt
hElp iT one la.. u tOO boRing den i
hAF to mAKe myself hAppie hAppiE
mA..haha..=P.. hAiz.. of coZ i
remember da church cAMp or
retreat!!!!!.. haha..tAt wAS e bEz
tiME evER!! u oso agRee one ma.. coZ
it was our 1st time we "slpT togEther"
mA.. i noE u lovE mE la..u repeated
tat lots oF timEs..=P at 1st i kEep
ruShin u to slP.. den lAter, boTh of
uS weRe plAyin N plAyin.. anD me sAYin
all e cRapy stUff.. haha..U wenT alonG
wif my nonsense anD tat WaS vEry
fArn!!! dUN u aGreE wiD me??=P..wE
boTh aRe owAYs livin in our
woRld..=).. kInd of sAD lei.. iS tat
cAlled anti sociAl not ah? haha.. im
noT!!..=P.. okIe.. WE Are nOT!! buT we
Are hAPpiE mA..=)..in clAss diS gAL
oways plAy wif me oNE.. dEn plAy sian
alrdy, go plAy wif guy..hAHah.. plAy
fiNish, finD me again.. dEn we owaYS
LiKE TO SiNG SOng IN CLaSS.. " When I
FalL iN Luv.. iT wlD b foRever!!"
remember? haha.. today we kip sinGing
diS song..=).. i still think diS
sentence vEry mEAninful.. i wAnna uSe
it on u .. "everybody...wo wo wo..
nEeds someone tat thEy cAn truSt in...
Ur somEbody..wowowoww.. tAT i found
juZ in timE.." its frm a lRyicS.. =)..
touching and niCe ryt? and ur shoulder
is for me to lie one.. haha.. my
nAnny..=).. jUZ remember dun leArn my
footsteps of bEin so slOW k?? dun
lEarn dis pOint k?? gooD..=).. hAha..
i sTill nIt u to kIp trAck of my tiME
onE.. hAiz.. cANt imAgine our liFe w/o
eAch other..oNE thINg.. we nOT leS
ah..haha.. iF there iS a dAY tat
ANything wEnt wrONG btw uS.., DUN TELL
MY SECRET AWAY!!!..hAhhaa.. kiddin
la..thEre woNT b tAt dAy oNe.. i
proMiSE u!! fWenS foRever tiLL e eND
of tIME!!... nTh wiLL sEpEraTE uS..!!!
luv yA!!!~~*+pAtriciA+~*"
by yixuan 14/04/2004:
"seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeow hui!
stop staring laaaaaaa...IDIOT...
haha.. ok..she's just behind me now..
btw.. she begged me to write this//
hArHar..okiE.. guess what... she's in
dance... erm.. i mean the cheena
one... the one shake head right and
left with the hands shaking like
thinkeeeeeey winkeey.. yup.. thats
her! hmm..she lurves elmo..cos of
JAAAAAAAAA***..haha.. cheeful and
faaaaaaaaaair..or rather.. WHITE.. she
likes to laugh like a horse..
*neeeeeigh*! yup.. she trying to act
cute.. wah lao.. what dub dub.. HhnH!
known her this yr.. she'
niceeeeeeeeeee laaaaa..though she can
be quite a pig at times.. erm.. you
know what i mean la huh.. haha..
okiE.. i'll be back!
seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeow hui RAWKS my
socks! =p"
by gary on 22/05/2004:
"yO mY bAbY~ sHe'S mInE..~ muahaha!
she's my good fren. a cute one. but
take foto alwaz gt funi funi face. we
took many pics together with tInGz. so
fun!! but den her teeth not very white
de..den alwaz jealous of my straight
white teeth~ haiz..baby ar, dun be
upset. u still gt elmo mah! hahahaz~
she alwaz bite e straw..den wan share
drink wif her must turn over e straw
one. poor straw..haf to be bite by tis
ger. anyway she can luff wif me for
many hours..we 2 very de got mo qi~
alwaz luff at each other lame and
crappy jokes. even ppl ard us dun
understand our jokes...n dey will look
at e both of us luffin. lame wor!! she
luff got many levels...as in..first
lvl is smile, second lvl is use hand
cover n giggle, third level is look
upwards n use hand cover n laugh,
fourth lvl is look upwards, mouth open
big big and luff loud loud!!! den i
must alwaz look up see whether got
flies go into her mouth anot. muahaha~"
by jiali on 19/05/2005:
"xXx.. SeOw Hui ..xXx
after reading ur blog entries on
18may05, i feel tat it is a mus to add u
tis testi.. erm.. seriously mi very touched
after reading it but.. oso veri farni cant
stop laughing.. i cried after reading it..
erm is laugh till cry.. haha
aiyo.. i mus oso thank u lahx.. fer giving
me e chance to listen to ur story ma.. u
oso help me alot.. console me wheneva
my parents erm.. haha..
thank u fer companying me to sentose
when u actuali wanted to go jogging..
haha.. but mus thank me fer bringing u
to sentosa lehx..
wei.. olvl chi cuming le mus jiayou horx..
being a chi tcher is ur dream..mus get
a1.. den go ngeeann together.. or u
wanna go hwa zhong or temasak Jc??
after chi olvl xam we go sentosa again
kk?? go dance camp go watch movie
and alot others..
lastly thank u fer everything la.. dun feel
tat u r being used or anything k?? u r
always useless.. hahax kiddin kidding..
i rite u a v long test horx?? heex.. al e
best la..tak care.. fren 4eva.."
by georgina on 10/04/2006:
the one who made mi cried over the phone
the one who made mi furious
the one who made mi scold vulgarities
the one who creates the most laughter for mi
the one who makes mi clueless cos i didn't know whether wat she jus said was meant to be a joke
the one who makes mi disgrace myself in public places
the one who disgraces herself in public places becos of her funny(or is it weird?) actions
the one who makes my whole life enjoyable
the one i love n cherish most!!!:)
(gt cry?...tat time gif u my hand-made notebk u nv cry...tis time gt cry?...gettin emo anot...lol!!!)"
haha. yeah. we were once "enemies" before.
we fought every other night and cry on the phone late at night.
amazing tt we r super close nw!!
by edwin on 30/07/2007:
"Hey ONG SEOW HUI.... muhahhahaha... Your 30 years zhi jiao here... ^^v haha..Remember the first few days.. When every call me maple.. ur super sharp voice "EDWIN".. convert everybody to call me edwin ... lol... U know y i alway make u laugh... cos ur face very funny when u are laughing... Ur (line) eyes , ur mouth~~ i think u very fortunate to have a friend like me... ^^ whenever u are sad u can turn to me... my face will alway be there for u ~~ GAN DONG MA!!! Next time treat me XIU ZHUI can liao.. Friends forever... 20 more year.. we go join the strait time thingy.. 50 years zhi jiao~~"
haha. the straits times came to look for 30 yrs of frenship n participating in ndp.
so we sweared tt we wan to be frens this long too.
n appear on newspaper b4.
then we decided to extend to 50 yrs.
but we r kind of impatient.
so we fastforward till we haf alrdy been 30 yrs alrdy.
hahah. funny.
so tt's all i haf for today! =D
Friday, September 28, 2007
-waited super long for bus.
-six 143 passed by yet not a single 51 is here.
-missed econs lecture as a result.
-came home n struggled to slp as the devils wan me to play with them.
-finally they gave up aft saying tt im very "ma fan" (troublesome).
-hey gorgeous coming our sch today.
-during FMA, the indian lecturer's accent made the whole theatre luff.
-for a moment, i really tot he was speaking tamil.
-during break, saw the hey gorgeous crew.
-they were interviewing the guy at the seat beside us.
-the guy is not gd looking at all n plays an erhu.
-went for ENT.
-super boring n there's this guy in the class acting lyk a smart alec.
-he kept saying stupid things n i kept rolling my eyes.
-finally freed frm the torture.
-went for more FMA tutorial.
-strangely, this indian lecturer whose accent made us luffed so much actually managed to get me interested in accounting.
-i paid lots of attention in his class.
-he's a very fun tcher.
-edwin commented tt gonaidi's surname is go but i said is nai.
-tt got the whole class luffing.
-found out tt my gpa is lower than weihao's!!!
-edwin kept saying things to make a whole lot of us very angry. hah.
-we decided to gang up n execute Plan E.
-fyi, Plan (initial of the person's name) is a code to signal us to beat the person.
-so gonaidi n weihao grabbed edwin's arms n we gals hit him.
-haha. it was all for fun lah.
-spent lyk super long deciding where to go n wad to do.
-in the end. went home. dumb.
-saw the new paint of the new house.
-the colour i chose which is peppermint actually looks nice n brightens up the whole rm.
-i am trying hard to fight for a house warming party for my frens.
done. summarised!!!
-waited super long for bus.
-six 143 passed by yet not a single 51 is here.
-missed econs lecture as a result.
-came home n struggled to slp as the devils wan me to play with them.
-finally they gave up aft saying tt im very "ma fan" (troublesome).
-hey gorgeous coming our sch today.
-during FMA, the indian lecturer's accent made the whole theatre luff.
-for a moment, i really tot he was speaking tamil.
-during break, saw the hey gorgeous crew.
-they were interviewing the guy at the seat beside us.
-the guy is not gd looking at all n plays an erhu.
-went for ENT.
-super boring n there's this guy in the class acting lyk a smart alec.
-he kept saying stupid things n i kept rolling my eyes.
-finally freed frm the torture.
-went for more FMA tutorial.
-strangely, this indian lecturer whose accent made us luffed so much actually managed to get me interested in accounting.
-i paid lots of attention in his class.
-he's a very fun tcher.
-edwin commented tt gonaidi's surname is go but i said is nai.
-tt got the whole class luffing.
-found out tt my gpa is lower than weihao's!!!
-edwin kept saying things to make a whole lot of us very angry. hah.
-we decided to gang up n execute Plan E.
-fyi, Plan (initial of the person's name) is a code to signal us to beat the person.
-so gonaidi n weihao grabbed edwin's arms n we gals hit him.
-haha. it was all for fun lah.
-spent lyk super long deciding where to go n wad to do.
-in the end. went home. dumb.
-saw the new paint of the new house.
-the colour i chose which is peppermint actually looks nice n brightens up the whole rm.
-i am trying hard to fight for a house warming party for my frens.
done. summarised!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
had a fun yet exciting day.
went with ly to her dental appointment.
5 bodyguards went along. how nice.
joked while she had her appointment.
then walked arnd looking for food.
pple. pls dun go sakura restaurant at penisular plaza.
it stinks!!!!
i cldnt stand the smell n i got very sick.
drank n paid the bill..
settled for burger king.
n hah. smth stupid happened there.
i dun wan to say.
came home n went down to play with the angels.
we took lanterns n play with sparkles.
i played the swing too.
its been so long since i've played the swing.
nice feeling. =D
had a fun yet exciting day.
went with ly to her dental appointment.
5 bodyguards went along. how nice.
joked while she had her appointment.
then walked arnd looking for food.
pple. pls dun go sakura restaurant at penisular plaza.
it stinks!!!!
i cldnt stand the smell n i got very sick.
drank n paid the bill..
settled for burger king.
n hah. smth stupid happened there.
i dun wan to say.
came home n went down to play with the angels.
we took lanterns n play with sparkles.
i played the swing too.
its been so long since i've played the swing.
nice feeling. =D
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
had a super fun but tiring day ytd.
reached sch at 7.30am.
then helped out abit with the booth n sat down to eat our muffins.
then the children started coming in.
all look so cute!!
so we sat at our booth n waited for the whole carnival to start.
then xt was telling them abt my drawing of sea creatures.

the 5 of us.



us with the 2 mascots.
then the rest of the time were spent picking up balls n giving out prizes n signing on their game cards.
haha. i felt lyk a star. everyone asking for my autograph!


i picked up this mouse balloon on the floor n i just cant keep my hands of it for the rest of the day.

at the end of the carnival. these boy very naughty.
kept messing up our games. but overall cute.
aft watching performances n magic show (the magic was amazing).
we ate our lunch n went home cuz everyone was tired.
at the train station, xt told everyone abt my monopolistic experience.
it goes lyk. in the econs lesson, i kept telling xt tt one shld pronounce the word monopolistic as me-nau-pe-lis-tic.
n i kept repeating n repeating confidently.
then suddenly, the tcher called my name to read the question.
n the first word was monopolistic.
n i dunno y, i guess i was too shocked or smth,
i pronounced it as mo-no-po-lis-tic.
hahahahha. i immediately luff out aft i said the word.
the contractors n my uncle n auntie n cousins came to our hse to tok abt the renovation.
then brandon turned up surprisingly. haha.
kept teasing him to go join the 4 young girls to play but he shy. haha.
today was first day of sch.
angels came b4 i left.
so i had a gdbye kiss b4 i left.
omg! im so blessed!
no class at all. waste time.
edwin tagged smth tt he tink is very funny.
released very early.
hahah. toked abt my angels.
edwin was lyk. which auntie will call her own nephew gay.
so all last min decision to go kbox.
spent a long time discussing at kbox cuz klunch not available.
then wanted to try partyworld but it only open at 1pm.
so sat in mac to eat n play games.
number games, idioms game n lyrics tt connect game.

was caught unaware by deon.

present to u our new/old classmate. EDWIN!
welcome to our class.......... again!
sang until siao. haha.
i sang alot cuz i just sing whenever nobody wans to sing.
then me n ly sang the wo ai tai mei
we ownself super high. others dunno hw to react.
i sang until headache. use too much force to sing n high.
then went home to be greeted by my 2 angels!!!
super super super cute!!!!

i taught him the 1,2,3,4,5 hand signs!!! so proud!!
n then he was tired.

n he clapped.
haha. i was asking him to imitate a monkey.
actually just wanted to see if his hands can touch.

so he slept on the floor.
watching tamil shows. i dunno y.
he say he understands.

then its chocolate milk time.

super dua pai!!! hahah.
angels coming tml again!
had a super fun but tiring day ytd.
reached sch at 7.30am.
then helped out abit with the booth n sat down to eat our muffins.
then the children started coming in.
all look so cute!!
so we sat at our booth n waited for the whole carnival to start.
then xt was telling them abt my drawing of sea creatures.

the 5 of us.



us with the 2 mascots.
then the rest of the time were spent picking up balls n giving out prizes n signing on their game cards.
haha. i felt lyk a star. everyone asking for my autograph!


i picked up this mouse balloon on the floor n i just cant keep my hands of it for the rest of the day.

at the end of the carnival. these boy very naughty.
kept messing up our games. but overall cute.
aft watching performances n magic show (the magic was amazing).
we ate our lunch n went home cuz everyone was tired.
at the train station, xt told everyone abt my monopolistic experience.
it goes lyk. in the econs lesson, i kept telling xt tt one shld pronounce the word monopolistic as me-nau-pe-lis-tic.
n i kept repeating n repeating confidently.
then suddenly, the tcher called my name to read the question.
n the first word was monopolistic.
n i dunno y, i guess i was too shocked or smth,
i pronounced it as mo-no-po-lis-tic.
hahahahha. i immediately luff out aft i said the word.
the contractors n my uncle n auntie n cousins came to our hse to tok abt the renovation.
then brandon turned up surprisingly. haha.
kept teasing him to go join the 4 young girls to play but he shy. haha.
today was first day of sch.
angels came b4 i left.
so i had a gdbye kiss b4 i left.
omg! im so blessed!
no class at all. waste time.
edwin tagged smth tt he tink is very funny.
released very early.
hahah. toked abt my angels.
edwin was lyk. which auntie will call her own nephew gay.
so all last min decision to go kbox.
spent a long time discussing at kbox cuz klunch not available.
then wanted to try partyworld but it only open at 1pm.
so sat in mac to eat n play games.
number games, idioms game n lyrics tt connect game.

was caught unaware by deon.

present to u our new/old classmate. EDWIN!
welcome to our class.......... again!
sang until siao. haha.
i sang alot cuz i just sing whenever nobody wans to sing.
then me n ly sang the wo ai tai mei
we ownself super high. others dunno hw to react.
i sang until headache. use too much force to sing n high.
then went home to be greeted by my 2 angels!!!
super super super cute!!!!

i taught him the 1,2,3,4,5 hand signs!!! so proud!!
n then he was tired.

n he clapped.
haha. i was asking him to imitate a monkey.
actually just wanted to see if his hands can touch.

so he slept on the floor.
watching tamil shows. i dunno y.
he say he understands.

then its chocolate milk time.

super dua pai!!! hahah.
angels coming tml again!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
congrats to edwin for successfully transferring to our class!
i kept forgetting to mention it.
hao la! i will try my best to accept u. haha.
went my auntie's hse today.
had a headache trying to teach joel chi.
then had super lots of fun teasing him as a lonely boy.
hahaha. ate steamboat n sashimi.
super full nw.
no rice, just ingredients.
tml gng to sp for leo club activity.
children day funfair. for 300 children.
manning the basketball game booth.
hope tml will be fun.



my nephews. so cute!!!
congrats to edwin for successfully transferring to our class!
i kept forgetting to mention it.
hao la! i will try my best to accept u. haha.
went my auntie's hse today.
had a headache trying to teach joel chi.
then had super lots of fun teasing him as a lonely boy.
hahaha. ate steamboat n sashimi.
super full nw.
no rice, just ingredients.
tml gng to sp for leo club activity.
children day funfair. for 300 children.
manning the basketball game booth.
hope tml will be fun.



my nephews. so cute!!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
im so confused nw.
i haf a job with enigma in the central nw.
n today adidas just called me for a job interview on monday.
wad m i gng to do?
which job shld i choose???
suddenly im in great demand nw.
shall see if i can pass my interview first.
at most do 2 jobs, since both r part time.
i'll haf so mch money!!! =D
im so confused nw.
i haf a job with enigma in the central nw.
n today adidas just called me for a job interview on monday.
wad m i gng to do?
which job shld i choose???
suddenly im in great demand nw.
shall see if i can pass my interview first.
at most do 2 jobs, since both r part time.
i'll haf so mch money!!! =D
Thursday, September 20, 2007
just came back frm ktv session with the poly mates.
super fun. hah. nobody wan to sing at first.
so joyce started off.
aft that everyone high.
n i started picking one whole list of songs that when they start, i sing until i was panting. hahah. tired leh.
then singing a-mei's "JI DE".
when i reached the highest note, they all clapped for me.
so happy. hahah.
n wei keng singing the jay chou's "SHAN HU HAI"
everyone say only i can sing the female part.
ok. i noe my pitch very high. but is not my fault.
then went to coffeeshop to eat bbq stingray and lala.
yeah. both my fave. today then noe they got sell lala.
n their lala is super nice.
im definitely gng back again.
had a fun time chatting abt our gems n abt transexual.
got one part where it was abt guys can grow breast but gals cant grow penis.
so i was saying tt b4 a gal wan to change sex, must bk the penis frm a guy hu wans to change sex too. haha.
then i pointed to gonaidi n said his is available.
ok. very funny.
tml accompanying my sis to nuh for checkup. tatas.
just came back frm ktv session with the poly mates.
super fun. hah. nobody wan to sing at first.
so joyce started off.
aft that everyone high.
n i started picking one whole list of songs that when they start, i sing until i was panting. hahah. tired leh.
then singing a-mei's "JI DE".
when i reached the highest note, they all clapped for me.
so happy. hahah.
n wei keng singing the jay chou's "SHAN HU HAI"
everyone say only i can sing the female part.
ok. i noe my pitch very high. but is not my fault.
then went to coffeeshop to eat bbq stingray and lala.
yeah. both my fave. today then noe they got sell lala.
n their lala is super nice.
im definitely gng back again.
had a fun time chatting abt our gems n abt transexual.
got one part where it was abt guys can grow breast but gals cant grow penis.
so i was saying tt b4 a gal wan to change sex, must bk the penis frm a guy hu wans to change sex too. haha.
then i pointed to gonaidi n said his is available.
ok. very funny.
tml accompanying my sis to nuh for checkup. tatas.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
got into entrepreneurship instead.
stupid etiquette was so full.
ok. blame it on us not being fast enough.
but when its my appointment, there's lyk millions of spaces available.
ok. no so exaggerating lah.


damien here.
he got quite attached to me recently
i dunno y.
but he will come over to me often n play with me.
still on the knocking head on floor threat.
with one extra new one, tt is threatening to vomit.
kao.. nth to say.

this is brandon. love him.
made him ask for 4 numbers frm my ahma to buy 4D.
lolol. was lyk whining with my cousin abt insufficient cash.
4069, did not win, shit.
went imm with brandon.
we had super lots of fun running around n screaming.
both of them tricked me ytd.
n they fed me crackers ytd.
got into entrepreneurship instead.
stupid etiquette was so full.
ok. blame it on us not being fast enough.
but when its my appointment, there's lyk millions of spaces available.
ok. no so exaggerating lah.


damien here.
he got quite attached to me recently
i dunno y.
but he will come over to me often n play with me.
still on the knocking head on floor threat.
with one extra new one, tt is threatening to vomit.
kao.. nth to say.

this is brandon. love him.
made him ask for 4 numbers frm my ahma to buy 4D.
lolol. was lyk whining with my cousin abt insufficient cash.
4069, did not win, shit.
went imm with brandon.
we had super lots of fun running around n screaming.
both of them tricked me ytd.
n they fed me crackers ytd.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
went with my sis to buy bubble tea just nw.
hahah.. abit boh liao. but just suddenly have the crave.
waited at the bus stop for super long.
almost tot the bus stop operating.
then got one guy came along to wait too.
then we conclude tt we r not crazy pple waiting for non-operating bus.
reached the bubble tea there then bought my drinks.
bought 2 cups for tml too. lolol.
then the auntie tot my sis was with me.
so didnt ask for her order.
n she was lyk "auntie, still got me.."
then the auntie then ask.
i was trying not to luff. but cldnt control.
at ntuc, bought cup noodles.
i took 4 cup n stacked them up n tucked them under my chin.
and as i walk, one by one the cups kept falling.
haha. luckily got nice pple help me pick up.
then at the cashier, my sis accidentally threw the cup n it dropped in front of a customer, n she got a shock.
n i luffed again.
the cashier auntie also started luffing at us. lol.
then we ran to catch the bus.
my sis' shorts is dropping.
my slippers are dropping.
luckily the uncl very nice waited for us.
i tink we luffed thru the whole things..
went with my sis to buy bubble tea just nw.
hahah.. abit boh liao. but just suddenly have the crave.
waited at the bus stop for super long.
almost tot the bus stop operating.
then got one guy came along to wait too.
then we conclude tt we r not crazy pple waiting for non-operating bus.
reached the bubble tea there then bought my drinks.
bought 2 cups for tml too. lolol.
then the auntie tot my sis was with me.
so didnt ask for her order.
n she was lyk "auntie, still got me.."
then the auntie then ask.
i was trying not to luff. but cldnt control.
at ntuc, bought cup noodles.
i took 4 cup n stacked them up n tucked them under my chin.
and as i walk, one by one the cups kept falling.
haha. luckily got nice pple help me pick up.
then at the cashier, my sis accidentally threw the cup n it dropped in front of a customer, n she got a shock.
n i luffed again.
the cashier auntie also started luffing at us. lol.
then we ran to catch the bus.
my sis' shorts is dropping.
my slippers are dropping.
luckily the uncl very nice waited for us.
i tink we luffed thru the whole things..
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
those two kids came early today.
hahha.. had fun with them around.
watched tmnt which they brought.
but they couldnt sit still n watch.
then they wanted to watch second time.
n third time.
until i said tt tmnt is banned frm my house.
went to je to see the new maid tt my cousin is employing.
then went imm to get my phone.
yay! finally get my phone!!!!
damn happy!
no more dying battery.
no more blur cameras.
more phone talks.
less charging.
those two kids came early today.
hahha.. had fun with them around.
watched tmnt which they brought.
but they couldnt sit still n watch.
then they wanted to watch second time.
n third time.
until i said tt tmnt is banned frm my house.
went to je to see the new maid tt my cousin is employing.
then went imm to get my phone.
yay! finally get my phone!!!!
damn happy!
no more dying battery.
no more blur cameras.
more phone talks.
less charging.
Monday, September 10, 2007
went to interview today with the partner of the biz.
he's an angmoh n i got a shock. lol.
went quite well, at least i could answer his questions without trembling.
then went to SP to settle some payment for my cousin.
then went to PS to shop around.
ate ajisan n watched hairspray.
yeah! super nice!!!
i tink nicer than 881. hah.
didnt buy my phone today.
went to interview today with the partner of the biz.
he's an angmoh n i got a shock. lol.
went quite well, at least i could answer his questions without trembling.
then went to SP to settle some payment for my cousin.
then went to PS to shop around.
ate ajisan n watched hairspray.
yeah! super nice!!!
i tink nicer than 881. hah.
didnt buy my phone today.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
went for job interview at clarke quay ytd.
the employer was late.
aft interviewing, we ate then went je to meet my parents.
went in to malaysia.
my auntie taught me driving.
we drove around the carpark.
kept going in circles.
there were pple watching too n the security guard kept laughing at me.
at night went to eat bbq food.
there's stingray, lala, satay, otak, chut chut........
super nice but hot.
drank 3 cans of water, ate till my stomach nearly burst.
then at night another auntie taught me n my cousin driving.
i managed to drive one round around the carpark.
today went jusco to eat sushi king.
ate lyk super lot of sushi.
but still wasnt full i dunno y.
total amount was RM300++.
hahaha. then went to look at some furnitures.
went home at like 8+.
hahah. not bad not bad.
gng for second round interview tml.
hope can get the job.
then gng for hairspray movie with lizhen.
then buying my handphone!!!!! =DDD
went for job interview at clarke quay ytd.
the employer was late.
aft interviewing, we ate then went je to meet my parents.
went in to malaysia.
my auntie taught me driving.
we drove around the carpark.
kept going in circles.
there were pple watching too n the security guard kept laughing at me.
at night went to eat bbq food.
there's stingray, lala, satay, otak, chut chut........
super nice but hot.
drank 3 cans of water, ate till my stomach nearly burst.
then at night another auntie taught me n my cousin driving.
i managed to drive one round around the carpark.
today went jusco to eat sushi king.
ate lyk super lot of sushi.
but still wasnt full i dunno y.
total amount was RM300++.
hahaha. then went to look at some furnitures.
went home at like 8+.
hahah. not bad not bad.
gng for second round interview tml.
hope can get the job.
then gng for hairspray movie with lizhen.
then buying my handphone!!!!! =DDD
Thursday, September 06, 2007
went to meet xt gonaidi n danial for ratatouille today.
not bad but my stomac was growling like crazy
cuz im super hungry.
ate at nydc. yeah. hawaiian baked pasta!!!
then went far east to shop for gonaidi's clothes.
glad we went there. saw a commotion.
two korean guys pulling n pushing each other.
i suspected that they r gays but the others say they r just drunk.
but no no no. the result is they r really gays.
they were kissing each other n hitting each other at the same time.
i dunno y. weird. i tink one of them is asking to break up.
so the securities came but cant stop them.
so gonaidi was trying to pull us all to go shop instead of watching.
hahah.. but shopped awhile n me n xt went to watch again.
police came. yes, the policeman is super shuai! lolol.
so aft much struggling, they were handcuffed n sent to police station
n i took a bus home. lolol.
i am able to buy my phone! im so happy.
georgina coming over to help me pack.
i provide her 3 meals, my ah gong cook.
i got over the rubbing nose with ecgx thing.
yeah. my life not tt bad aftall. lol
went to meet xt gonaidi n danial for ratatouille today.
not bad but my stomac was growling like crazy
cuz im super hungry.
ate at nydc. yeah. hawaiian baked pasta!!!
then went far east to shop for gonaidi's clothes.
glad we went there. saw a commotion.
two korean guys pulling n pushing each other.
i suspected that they r gays but the others say they r just drunk.
but no no no. the result is they r really gays.
they were kissing each other n hitting each other at the same time.
i dunno y. weird. i tink one of them is asking to break up.
so the securities came but cant stop them.
so gonaidi was trying to pull us all to go shop instead of watching.
hahah.. but shopped awhile n me n xt went to watch again.
police came. yes, the policeman is super shuai! lolol.
so aft much struggling, they were handcuffed n sent to police station
n i took a bus home. lolol.
i am able to buy my phone! im so happy.
georgina coming over to help me pack.
i provide her 3 meals, my ah gong cook.
i got over the rubbing nose with ecgx thing.
yeah. my life not tt bad aftall. lol
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
ytd went to meet lizhen and georgina at clementi.
then we trained to orchard.
ate at han's at far east.
then walked around the shopping centre.
like shit lah. i cant find anything to buy.
lingered there for super long.
saw a malay guy wearing clot tee!
i am suoer jealous. i wan one too!
then decided to move to wisma n taka.
wisma changed so much. see how long we haven't been there.
met yuting at taka. shopped around.
another shit.
go cine. third shit!
then no choice went tcc to eat.
ate choc fondue. cool!
for a moment decided to spend all my money on a LV coin pouch.
since i've got nth to buy.
then decided to go central and chinatown.
lizhen left us at orchard.
walked arnd central. 4th shit!
went chinatown in the end to make our own necklace.
i made a bear n a rocking horse necklace.
gerogina made a star and rocking horse necklace.
quite cheap. 14 bucks only. compared to outside price.
will take pic sumtime.
then went vivo with georgina to collect her g2000 pants.
asked starhub if the stocks of u700 are shipped in.
they said yes. then y no one called me????
banked in my extra cash. then went home.
today went vivo interview.
ate at sushi tei. i treated my sis.
walked arnd. nth to buy. expected.
wanted to go driving lesson. alrdy booked.
but my sis had to go home cuz my ah gong forgot to being hse keys.
so i didnt wan to go either.
forfeited tt 17+ bucks. heck.
went home n walked arnd the park looking for my ah gong.
finally found him.
tml gng to watch ratatouille with xt n gonaidi.
i cana alrdy predict wad will happen.
xt will keep pushing me to gonaidi.
but nvm. im alrdy used to it. hah.
read finish my bk on the previous post.
it's a crime story n the crime was related to some satanic stuffs.
been having wild imagination these 2 nights aft reading the bk.
haha. funny i noe.
ytd went to meet lizhen and georgina at clementi.
then we trained to orchard.
ate at han's at far east.
then walked around the shopping centre.
like shit lah. i cant find anything to buy.
lingered there for super long.
saw a malay guy wearing clot tee!
i am suoer jealous. i wan one too!
then decided to move to wisma n taka.
wisma changed so much. see how long we haven't been there.
met yuting at taka. shopped around.
another shit.
go cine. third shit!
then no choice went tcc to eat.
ate choc fondue. cool!
for a moment decided to spend all my money on a LV coin pouch.
since i've got nth to buy.
then decided to go central and chinatown.
lizhen left us at orchard.
walked arnd central. 4th shit!
went chinatown in the end to make our own necklace.
i made a bear n a rocking horse necklace.
gerogina made a star and rocking horse necklace.
quite cheap. 14 bucks only. compared to outside price.
will take pic sumtime.
then went vivo with georgina to collect her g2000 pants.
asked starhub if the stocks of u700 are shipped in.
they said yes. then y no one called me????
banked in my extra cash. then went home.
today went vivo interview.
ate at sushi tei. i treated my sis.
walked arnd. nth to buy. expected.
wanted to go driving lesson. alrdy booked.
but my sis had to go home cuz my ah gong forgot to being hse keys.
so i didnt wan to go either.
forfeited tt 17+ bucks. heck.
went home n walked arnd the park looking for my ah gong.
finally found him.
tml gng to watch ratatouille with xt n gonaidi.
i cana alrdy predict wad will happen.
xt will keep pushing me to gonaidi.
but nvm. im alrdy used to it. hah.
read finish my bk on the previous post.
it's a crime story n the crime was related to some satanic stuffs.
been having wild imagination these 2 nights aft reading the bk.
haha. funny i noe.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Sunday, September 02, 2007
went back to tanglin to visit the teachers..

with lizhen.

with patricia babe.

with the mao emperor.
yes, he's still playing tt stupid joke.

with our super love mrs jacob!!

at vivo's ben & jerry.

all the photos tt pat took of me while im eating my special brownie sundae.

this is super cool.
me n georgina shared this popcorn, but we're not watching movie.
just feel like eating. hahah.
quite weird to eat popcorn like that.
so lizhen took a photo of me eating popcorn.
i look so.... umm.. obvious! hah.
bought a top from forever 21.
so today the kids came to my house.
nothing much. just that didi felldown and had a super big baluku on his forehead AGAIN!
then he kept kissing me.
and we ate steamboat at home!
oh. eunice going hk le.
i asked her to buy acupuncture shoe for me.
and take picturewith of ecgx.
ask him to sign and write my name too.
hahah.. msged the shop address to her just now.
hope she can fulfil my wish! =D
with lizhen.
with patricia babe.
with the mao emperor.
yes, he's still playing tt stupid joke.
with our super love mrs jacob!!
at vivo's ben & jerry.

all the photos tt pat took of me while im eating my special brownie sundae.
this is super cool.
me n georgina shared this popcorn, but we're not watching movie.
just feel like eating. hahah.
quite weird to eat popcorn like that.
so lizhen took a photo of me eating popcorn.
i look so.... umm.. obvious! hah.
bought a top from forever 21.
so today the kids came to my house.
nothing much. just that didi felldown and had a super big baluku on his forehead AGAIN!
then he kept kissing me.
and we ate steamboat at home!
oh. eunice going hk le.
i asked her to buy acupuncture shoe for me.
and take picture
ask him to sign and write my name too.
hahah.. msged the shop address to her just now.
hope she can fulfil my wish! =D