Friday, September 30, 2005

heylo!!! long time no blog.. lolx.. these few days very fun.. i just keep luffing all the while.. everything tickles me.. weird.. lolx.. mabbe not tt weird aftall..

shall test u pple with this phrase tt i;ve coined up..

Dancing hippo dancing hippo dance..


ok.. i asked 3 pples.. none understand.. lemme make it clearer.. Dancing Hippo dancing Hippo dance.. still dun understand??? forget it then.. lol..

u noe wad is me n amanda's fave game in sch??? we've got this cool game tt i've intro her.. n then we're hooked onto it.. it goes lyk we will be playing scissors paper stone on the staircase.. the person hu win will get to go up or down 2 steps.. depends on where's ur destination.. the first one to get to the destination will win!!! i noe it's lame.. yx always gimme the stupidity eyes.. lolx.. but it's really fun.. got these 3 sec 1 students were lyk so amazed with us.. lol.. okok.. stop my nonsense..

today;s evening class very fun.. it's not class at all.. it's playing time.. lolx.. me n yx n amanda met at clementi to eat.. then we got this stupid thing tt 's lyk yx's the owner.. amanda is yx's dog.. n im amanda's dog.. n im frm pluto.... n my barking goes "dog dog dog.." n i can do the E.T finger.. lolx.. n we were so amazed.. lolx.. in class.. daniel n jon stole my yoghurt.. i was returning frm canteen with yuting when i saw daniel happily eating my yoghurt away.. kaoz.... then the maths qn tt ms tan gif i did all alrdy.. so i was lyk kind of slacking.. n i was listening to hillsongs on ivan's phone.. ms tan gave us lollipops!!! oooh!!! then we got to eat bdae cake.. lolx.. i was luffing at yj when he took such a big piece.. so in the end.. he put back.. then i ask chung nguon to help me get a piece of cake.. n yj was lyk "who's the greedy one.." then ryan snatched n started singing lyk he's having concert.. occasionally.. he will still pass his "mike" to one of us n ask us to sing.. so lame!!!

my cousin sent me my nephews' photo.. gosh.. it just warms my heart to see them.. =)

aft classes.. me n yx nth to do.. so decided to follow amanda n lawrence.. lolx.. in the end me n yx bot dessert only.. lolx.. eat eat eat then went home....

yx recently very lame.. lurve to sms me.. even when we r just beside each other.. somemore tell me very lame things.. aft she left.. she msged me tt her bus was full of ah nei n man.. n i told her tt my bus stop also all men.. then she say be careful.. dun let anyone bao bao (hug).. except her.. dotx.. lolx.. n she luvs to give me new names everyday.. wad cheng cheng cheng.. marigold.. yuan er.. or xiao er lyk today..

n my fave name is "the big blue moon.." =)

do u noe tt being cute is a sin?
tt's y i sin everyday.. =)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

another thing learnt frm a ridiculous man: they want u to tell ur fren to stop doing smth to them.. then decide to drop it cause they wan to look like a gd Samaritan.. LOL

ok.. today not bad not bad.. i was fasting.. n i survived recess!!!! tt;s gd enuff for me.. provided i did not eat breakfast.. then my whole body started to feel so weak.. gosh.. yuting was encouraging me not to eat.. then yixuan n amanda were tempting me to eat..

i passed my bio n chem!!!! FINALLY!!!!!! my father so happy lah.. lol.. during chem i sat beside ryan.. he showed me this poker card trick n i learnt it.. then he was trying to teach me chem.. but i cld not understand at all.. so forget it.. lol..

aft sch.. waited 1 whole hr for lizhen n jiali to finish sch.. b4 we can go formosa to eat.. im like starving n pissed off at the same time.. for those hu noe me.. they shld noe tt my temper is the worst when im hungry.. but finally.. they finish sch..

met hanbing n his fren.. gosh.. he's damn talkative.. then when jiali cutting hair.. he challenged me to gobble down the whole box of sweets in one mouth.. n i did it!!! so he had to buy lots n lots of sweets for me.. not bad.. lol!!

Monday, September 26, 2005


the start of a month n a half of mugging..

nearly half a month of exams..

4 whole month of holidays..

the important decison of my future..

2 or 3 yrs of studying again..

Have A Nice Life, People!

because of you
i nv stray too far from the sidewalk
because of you
i learned to play on the safe side so i dun get hurt
because of you
i tried my hardest just to forget everything
because of you
i dunno how to let anyone else in
because of you
im ashamed of my life becuase it's empty
because of you
i am afraid~~

Sunday, September 25, 2005

went church today.. i min sneaked out.. lolx. my parents r in m'sia.. im not in thw wrong wad.. i got call them but cannot get thru.. is not i dun wan to tell them one loh.. lolx..

today's cell was great!!! lizhen came!!! yay!!! praise the LORD!! we had fun n we sang alot of songs.. most of them i heard on my com last nite.. so i noe how to sing.. n lizhen sang too!!! she sang the easiest song.. i encouraged her to sing one.. cuz tt song's lyrics are lyk 3 lines only.. all i nid is u lord.. is u lord.. all i nid is u.. just keep repeating then can le.. lol!!! she enjoyed herself too!! she said one..

aft tt went kopitiam eat.. oooh!! their char kway tiao not very nice.. lololol.. me n lizhen spent our time picking out the taugays.. the person put so much taugay inside.. in the end.. i give up.. lol.. n dun eat..

then the guys got soccer match!!! ok lah.. although not as exciting as real competition.. but it was still alright.. me n lizhen were toking abt this malay guy in yellow shirt.. his appearance n actions r lyk a sissy lah.. lolx!!! then dunno y.. the whole cell were linking me with isaac.. we've got nth between us!!!!

in the end all of us took 99 together.. me n lizhen n junhui were chatting away abt our nxt destination-jc or poly.. then me lizhen n isaac got down at je n walked to interchange together to take bus home.. hah.. they r so nice!!!!! bcuz i am very nice to them too!!! =)

Friday, September 23, 2005

10 Things I Learnt From Ridiculous Guys Whom I Don't Even Know Why I Like Them In The First Place

1) They thought that you kissing them back means that you reject them.
2) They don't know their maths.
3) They don't even plan when they lie.
4) They thought that you are feeling sour when you talk to them about the old times.
5) They thought that you trying to save back this friendship means that you are in the wrong.
6) They are so proud of themselves just because they are the one who left this relationship first (when you two did not even start).
7) They thought that girls who like them will surely stick very close to them.
8) Then they complain to others that they don't like you to stick too close to them (when you don't even talk to them on MSN).
9) They thought that you joined a certain church becuase they are in it (when you haven't even confirm on joining the church).
10) They are just plain ridiculous!

HELLO!!! like c'mon!!! gosh!! i feel lyk slapping myself for being so stupid.. im quite happy tt i did not go for cell today.. cuz i tink i'll be so angry instead of enjoying myself by the fact tt i'll be facing him..

and officially.. i announce that im lyk so anti-guys nw!! amanda will be my witness..


anyway.. went out with amanda today.. quite fun.. we walked arnd far east to find a shirt for her lawrence.. we two r lyk so inexperience bcuz we have nv look at guys' fashion b4.. but finally.. we both settled for a shirt frm 77th street.. then we went to eat galilee and friends.. n we took neoprints..

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we didnt haf enuff time to decorate the pics.. we were still focusing on our first pics when i saw tt we were left with only 14 secs.. so we just anyhow add things on it..

then we went to esplanade just to chill.. hahha.. n we went home lah..

Thursday, September 22, 2005

i havent been blogging for lyk a long time..
im quite proud of myself loh..
i dun feel any temptation of using the com at all!!!

exam's been kinda gd..
quite easy actually..
but two paper soilt my mood totally..
they r amaths paper 1 n chem..
gosh.. n luckily it is today..
if not i wun haf the mood to finish the rest of the exam..
during half of the time..
i found myself dreaming away..

tml gng out with amanda n lizhen..
finally gng out with amanda lah!!!
this chance is lyk so HARD to come by..

anyway.. lizhen.. lizhen.. hnh hnh!!!

you shld noe..
everywhere i go..
always on my mind..
in my heart, in my soul..

Sunday, September 18, 2005

dun ask me y i change to this skin.. cuz i dunno y either..

Monday, September 12, 2005

today prac was alright..
i cld get the observations right but i cldnt find the ans..
arh.. nvm..
phy was quite ez..

then we were sent to amphitheatre for quarantine..
n i ate some rubbish lah.. grrr..

mr chan damn wad..
ok.. relax..
heart of a true worshipper..

then went imm to eat shilin.. walked arnd..
then i walk back to interchange n take bus home..

tml they got chinese paper aft eng paper..
n i;ll be lyk so bored..
wad can i do at home????

Sunday, September 11, 2005

shall forgive everyone hu sin against me frm nw onwards..
no more condemnation..

aft tuition.. went to clementi to meet isaac..
ate lunch n decided to slack for awhile cuz we tot there's still lots of time..
then isaac called huiling n she told us the service starts at 2!!
so we rushed to find bus but cldnt find..
so in the end went to take bus 99..
n found out tt the journey takes half n hr..
we will be really late..
so we took cab in the end..
went there n we took the lift down to B1..
btw.. CHC is damn grand..
n we ended up in the staircase..
n isaac brought me up..
n we ended up at where we were.. duhz..
in the end it was supposed to be at B4..

had a really nice service today..
God's presence was overwhelming..
wad impressed me is tt they haf worksheets prepared..
so we dun haf to listen hard for the important points..
cuz it's all noted down..
did some repenting there for wad happened ytd..

went for fellowship..
kind of new to this term..
cuz in my previous cell grp..
we just say "let's go makan.."
there's no term for things..
quite cool their fellowship..
i admire the cell grp in their initiative to tok to pple..
lyk not to leave anybody out..
oh yah.. met one of the heroes hu helped us out in our search for our wallets..
his name is jon if i nv rmb wrongly..

then took 99 to clementi n change buses to get home..

Saturday, September 10, 2005

gosh.. cant blif he tink tt way of me..
lyk huh lah..
u ask me is it i still admire u..
of cuz i said tt u r joking..
n u tink tt im feeling sour??
gosh.. i tink u expected me to tell u tt i still miss u alot huh????
i was still ok with u aft clarifying those things with u..
but nw.. i quite pissed off by tt loooong msg of urs..
jiali told me to keep cool..
i was doing it real well but u made me lose it..

anyway.. hu's tt "my frens" hu told u tt i was not being myself in sch?
nvm.. it doesnt matter anymore..

anyway.. baq to my day..
shall do some photolog..

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i feel lyke eating nw..

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lolx.. i luv this photo..

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it's a mix of rojak.. fish n chip.. bun.. bbq stingray.. blah blah blah..

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yuting with her salmon mouth..

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i cant hold it any longer.. she;s just too funny..

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ok.. we r living in denial.. the sushi looks disgusting..

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she's trying to eat the wasabi!!!

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our creation!!! me n yx btw..

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esplanade is really beautiful..

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yixuan lurves to take me when im luffing.. i dunno y..

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i look lyk a retard lah..

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yixuan the zombie n retard..

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they played me.. but quite fun..

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i like this pendant..

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record breaking 4e2.. 28/33 or 34 outside class enjoying life away..

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depressed.. lol..

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nw u noe y he's black..

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my cousin n his BUTT..

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tt's my nephew damien..

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tt's my nephew brandon..

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"i surrender.."

ah.. i feel so much beta nw..

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


was just listening to this song "tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree"
it's very nice..
the yellow ribbon project originated frm this song..
it's abt this guy hu had left his gf for lyk 3 yrs..
n he worte a letter to hif gf n told her tt if she still wans him back..
she will tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree..
n he was so scared to see the answer..
but when he reached the gal's hse..
he saw lyk hundred over yellow ribbons round the old oak tree..
this story damn touching lah!!! hahah

ok.. enuff on my stupid oldies..
i noe i sound stupid..
cuz today on taxi..
those 3 gals r blabbering behind..
while im listening to the oldies at the front seat..
i must haf shock the uncle cuz i asked him wads the title of the song..
n he provided me the wrong info.. lol..

did so many experiments these 2 days..
8 of them lah..
can u blif it?
like shit!!!!
n every chem practical got heating..
ok.. except titration..
but i hate heating the most lah..
cuz i lazy to light the bunsen burner..
phy was fun..
my responsibility was to just haf fun..
then aft tt.. copy ans frm daniel kao's wksht..

then went to westmall to eat sakae today..
quite fun..
we were competing each other to eat the most..
yixuan n lizhen first thing went in n ordered 6 plates of fried tofu..
while they were waiting..
i quickly gobble down my 4 plates of sushi first.. lol..
there's these waiter damn cute..
there's 2 customers waiting at the entrance..
n he came in frm the entrance pass the customers n brought them in..
if it's me i surely shock.. lol..
me n yixuan were giggling..
n i guess i must haf been too loud.. cuz he started giggling also.. lol..

at 5.30.. we must haf our last order..
n lizhen luffed at yixuan saying tt she sure cannot reach 20 plates..
so yixuan decided to show her n prove her wrong..
she started clicking on the com at wadever thing she saw..
i tink she ordered arnd 7 plates altogether..
n we were alllllll sooooooo full!!!
the waiter still tot tt we joking with them n came to check the order with us..
n when the food came.. we were staring at them..
n luffing at yixuan too.. lol..

everytime i tried to force myself to forget u..
but i always end up getting myself hurt..
i made up bad things abt u..
i told myself tt u r not gd..
when i see ur pics.. i told myself tt they r ugly..
but then.. it doesnt help much cuz looks arent the main reason y i lyk u..
gosh.. wad m i supposed to do?
i can only sit down here n watch u as ur nicknames reveal lots n lots abt ur present love life.. or does it not?
anyway.. i noe things r impossible between the two of us..
n i accept it..
i just cant forget....

ur the meaning in my life.. ur the inspiration!

Monday, September 05, 2005

cool.. we drew a prawn in bio prac today..
the prawn is so cute..
n i dance with him after my work..
i luv to hold his feelers n make him move..

went home to bathe aft tt..
then went to orchard to meet yuting n lizhen..
but my aunties reached alrdy..
so nv meet them in the end..
but went to meet my aunties for high tea at marriot hotel..
me n my small aunt competing hu can eat the most oysters..
n i won!
then we made our rojak together.. lol..

then we went arnd shopping for more food..
cool... eat eat eat..
everyday eat n eat n eat..
my life revolves arnd EATING!!!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

realised i havent been blogging for the past few days..
just feel so lazy to even touch my com..
sorry pple..
anyway.. i dun tink u pple care too..

i'll just continue my blabbering..

ytd went shopping with my cousin again..
settled for an adidas bag at last for $49.90..
i've been spending n spending n spending away lah..

oh yah..
the third series of a date with vampire is back..
i love tt show alot..
gonna blabber fast to catch it..

tml got bio prac..
aft tt going with lizhen n yuting to buy bag..
dun feel lyk gng actually..
but lizhen came out with a great plan..
n we gng to eat galilee n frens again..

n tml im gonna do sum cooking for yixuan..
it's my specialty soup of the day..
it's called the "junginjoojah"..
it's a few pebbles cooked in delicious plain water soup..
gonna let her try it out tml..
anyway.. im frm the flintstone age..
tt's y i blabber so much.. ok done..!

Friday, September 02, 2005

hello!!!! finally back on blog again.. my com has been a lil crazy these few days..

ytd went to shop wid my sister.. great time with her.. we started with marche.. then we went arnd shopping shopping shopping.. she bot 2 tops frm 2 percent n check! n i bot i bot 2 tops too frm 2 percent n Esprit.. saw sylvester.. lol.. i was walking pass this shop.. n i saw this backview which looks very familiar.. then he turned arnd n looked at me.. but i still cldnt figure out hu he is.. until i walked pass alrdy.. then i told my sis tt i tink i saw sylvester.. then she went totally crazy.. n we ended up lingering arnd there.. crazy.. i tink he looks lyk xiao bai lian.. he's so much fairer than me lah!!!

sch today was fine.. had 2 n a half hr of non-stop maths!! we're going crazy!!!

jiali today said tt im those kind of dun care abt image one.. gosh.. i really so dun haf image meh? i guess it's all cuz of those stupid jokes n actions tt i always do when i with them.. but anyway.. y do i haf to care abt images? life is all abt having fun ryt?? hahah.. tt brought me baq to wad i've said to my frens the other day.. i told them tt when i look at guys.. i see two boobs on the place where their eyes r supposed to be.. gosh.. i didnt noe i was THAT imaginative.. actually im kinda shock tt i said tt too.. but it's kind of true.. im becoming a lesbian..........

blessed are those hu dwell in Ur hse..
they r always praising U..
blessed r those hu's strength is in U..
hu's hearts r safe on our God..

hear our prayers..
oh Lord God Almighty..
come bless our land..
as we seek U n worship U..