dun feel lyk blogging..
but i noe alot of my fans r waiting for me..
i lurve today..
cuz i went out wid my parents..
it's been so long since i go out wid them..
our schedule always crash..
so my mother went to collect her ic..
n when i finished sch..
i went orchard to meet them..
we went to far east..
i bot a tank top..
nice nice.. is the same as joleen..
then my father keep saying "no" to every skirt tt i lyk..
cuz they r too short..
n i told my father tt i'll nv get to buy any skirts cuz they're all the same length..
then i ask him to gimme a sarong..
or 10 rolls of tissue paper..
n i'll wrap myself up real tight..
ok... it's just a joke..
then walked to heeren.. saw nth.. n it's not fair..
i want to use the heer card n collect points..
then we decided to go to OG..
cuz got OP n got my bras.. lol..
there.. i bot an OP top n a 3/4 khaki pants..
it's damn nice..
intro by my parents..
i tink they really have taste.. haha..
then bot new bras for me n my sis..
so cute.. got two little stars in the middle..
then went home..
on the bus..
me n my mother toked alot..
i lyk it when we tok lyk tt..
no boundaries.. haha..
i saw all the chairs prepared for the chingay performance..
so early all prepared alrdy..
so kiasu.. typical singaporeans!!