Friday, September 02, 2005

hello!!!! finally back on blog again.. my com has been a lil crazy these few days..

ytd went to shop wid my sister.. great time with her.. we started with marche.. then we went arnd shopping shopping shopping.. she bot 2 tops frm 2 percent n check! n i bot i bot 2 tops too frm 2 percent n Esprit.. saw sylvester.. lol.. i was walking pass this shop.. n i saw this backview which looks very familiar.. then he turned arnd n looked at me.. but i still cldnt figure out hu he is.. until i walked pass alrdy.. then i told my sis tt i tink i saw sylvester.. then she went totally crazy.. n we ended up lingering arnd there.. crazy.. i tink he looks lyk xiao bai lian.. he's so much fairer than me lah!!!

sch today was fine.. had 2 n a half hr of non-stop maths!! we're going crazy!!!

jiali today said tt im those kind of dun care abt image one.. gosh.. i really so dun haf image meh? i guess it's all cuz of those stupid jokes n actions tt i always do when i with them.. but anyway.. y do i haf to care abt images? life is all abt having fun ryt?? hahah.. tt brought me baq to wad i've said to my frens the other day.. i told them tt when i look at guys.. i see two boobs on the place where their eyes r supposed to be.. gosh.. i didnt noe i was THAT imaginative.. actually im kinda shock tt i said tt too.. but it's kind of true.. im becoming a lesbian..........

blessed are those hu dwell in Ur hse..
they r always praising U..
blessed r those hu's strength is in U..
hu's hearts r safe on our God..

hear our prayers..
oh Lord God Almighty..
come bless our land..
as we seek U n worship U..