Saturday, April 01, 2006

i almost forgot tt im supposed to do this questionaire posted by Amanda..

10 conditions/characteristics of my dream man:
-must love me.. as in seriously..
-must trust me.. alot alot..
-must respect my privacy..
-preferably a fun person.. one hu will tell jokes or do funny actions with me.. whether in public or when alone..
-must not wear sleeveless shirt.. unless he's an athlete training..
-must be cute-looking..
-able to get along with my friends..
-wun try to take up all of my time.. i need time for studies n frens too..
-do not have to be very clever.. but must haf the motivation to constantly improve himself..
-i love surprises.. *hint* but dun spoil me.. =)

my nxt victims: eh.. dunno.. im not a bad person.. i dun torture pple.. this questionaire really very hard to ans leh.. anyone loh..