Friday, May 26, 2006


lol.. today started off well.. had character development.. everyone started bombing comments n qns just for the participation marks.. so i joined in too.. lol..

2 hrs break.. no wcd.. ate you ji mian at fc 4... but not nice.. fc 6 better.. haha.. xueting baked cookies for all of us.. one big piece of heart shape.. lol.. wei keng called sentosa to settle our cip project.. then we went to play badminton at the sports complex.. omg.. it's been so long since i played some sports.. luckily i didnt feel tired aft tt.. then it's itos.. managed to do the work.. then it's FOM.. the teacher also went crazy with us.. keep having long breaks n joked around with us.. lolol.. we were being very dirty minded.. lolol..

then went to fc 5 with ian edwin deon n joyce to eat.. the guys started to play dotA.. while i watch hard gay on youtube.. lol.. then we went to clementi wanting to see deon skate.. but in the end we went to play arcade.. hahaha..

then deon came n meet us.. he skated to us.. OMG!!! DAMN COOLLLLLL!!! i tink i wan to join skate!!!! hahahaha..

i just cant stop luffing at edwin lah... he's damn comical!!!