ytd went mac with my sis intending to listen to my online lectures.. n finish acc n fom summary.. but realised i dun understand and alot hw overdue alrdy.. lol.. forget it..
when gng home.. saw this big busty ahma.. lol.. the boobs are lyk gek-ed n pushed up.. lol.. then it's lyk damn low cut.. so when she bending down to pour beer.. it looks lyk the boobs are gng to pop out of the top anytime.. lololol.. then me n my sis kept luffing at her.. n i dare her to go n tell her tt it's dropping soon.. LOL.. i noe we damn bad..
today went parkway parade to meet my auntie.. the "revamp" was not successful.. lolol.. she treated us to eat sashimi!!! omg.. damn nice.. lolol.. got a S&K top frm her too.. lolol..
heard frm my small auntie tt her company got this package for learning rollerblading at east coast park.. 65 bucks for 10 lessons.. quite cheap loh.. n i set my mind on it.. i wanna learn.. lolol.. georgina gng with me also.. then i haf company on the long journey.. yay!!!
yah.. spent my night ytd playing with picture editing.. damn fun.. ok.. i very kuku..
i lyk this.. so cool..
OMG!! SO NICE!!! =)