let the pics do the toking..
me n siewling..
my sister damn high..
Jesslynn and Edwin..
no.. we r not tt tall.. we r jumping..
with the jie jie.. omg.. medic is behind!!
with ang ang.. ang ku kueh..
with mr tay.. head!!
with jessica, huimin jie n ang ku kueh!!
with the patriotic guy... hahaha
my sis with her fave army guy..
edwin n his gay partner..
me n my rumoured guy.
georgina with the super cute medic..
with mr chua.. im extra.. lol..
with mr chua..
with our grp i/c..
the tanglinians n my dinner coupon.. hahha..
the legendary "dinner" coupon..
still showing tt dinner coupon..
i super love the coupon..
yeah! finally took with cute medic!!!
the 3 gays..
3 mins to performing!
zhiming is so black.. lol..
this little boy damn funny.. he's pri 6 n he keeps asking guys if they got wet dreams b4.. n when i told him i noe abt it liao.. he still will shy.. lololol
ok.. overall.. had a lyk super fun n enjoyable experience.. hhaha.. wad i haf to say is.. gals.. dun offer urself to the guys.. they dun lyk it.. lololol..