these few days have been eventful..
monday was soccer match against bishan park..
the score was 6-0..
wow.. our team really deserves an award..!!!
then our wallets were lost on the same day..
tuesday aft sch went to police station to make a report..
spent a long time there..
so making a report wasnt fun at all..
wed was dance prac..
i realised smth n made a decision in my life..
hahahah.. quite important..
but im not going to tell u wad..
then it was soccer match again!!!
this time against riverside..
we won again wid a score of 2-1..
good job, guys!!!
feroz n daniel were injured..
feroz got this big cut on his head n blood was ooshing out..
oh my gdness..
how scared was i when he walk past me n one side of his face was completely covered wid blood..
we also found baq our wallets on the same day..
today morning..
i was feeling so defeated when mandy told me tt she can do the "puk" sound too..
i spent the whole day tring to create another sound so as to win her again.. lol..
it goes smth lyk the crunching sound when u munch on an apple..
i've got this movie voucher frm my auntie..
hahah.. i can go watch free movie liao..