Wednesday, August 31, 2005

JACOB ROX!!! hu else can beat her la..

today had teachers' day celebration.. i haf to say tt the student councillors did a great job.. though there's some minor problems.. mr ng was self-proclaimed as "Square Face"!! n mrs jacob was damn high lah!!! she hugged shaorong n chung nguon on the way to stage!! aft the celebration.. she gave all the 2a'03 gals a me to u bear.. $14.90 each!!! we found out cuz she forgot to remove one of the price tag.. lol.. then she give all the 2a'03 boys a nike small little soccer ball.. so cute!!! n everyone asked for her signature!! lol!!

aft tt me lizehn n yixuan went to orchard to eat sakae buffet.. damn.. we tried to pass time swiftly with all our slow actions.. almost 4 hrs doing nth lah.. in the end.. i still ate the most.. 13 plates completed with one ice cream n one portion of fruits.. siao!!!

then i went home for tuition le.. learnt binomial theorem today.. cool.. i learnt it..

tml going to eat marche with my sister.. hope tt i can get money to shop.. i min my pay!!!