Friday, July 07, 2006


woke up late for lessons today.. tot of skipping lessons.. but xueting reminded me tt today is CD last lesson.. so i meet yan qing hu is also late n always late on the same day as me.. n went to sch.. played alot of games in the lesson.. she always has games for us to make the lesson more interesting.. n there's always choco aft tt. i luv her lessons very much hahaha.. today she gave us a hershey cookies choc.. damn nice lah... took photos with her.. =)

went guild to play.. lalala..

went itos nxt.. edwin is damn lame.. we all started toking abt butts throughout the whole lesson.. cuz he says he gng to work aft lesson.. then i ask him work as wad.. then he say selling butts.. then they started saying got wad kind of butts.. blah blah.. then i asked him how to do question 7,8,9.. he dun understand me.. so i told him.. i wan 789 butts.. with shit inside.. then he say wan filling anot?? got dao sa.. i say i wan peanut butter.. abit lame..

then on the way to fom lesson we keep testing each other stupid questions.. edwin's damn smart.. he came up with alot of new questions himself.. n is lyk super funny.. hahaha

then went home!!

tml ndp preview!! yay!!! gng crazy again!!!

"the person hu can make me tear is the person hu can bring me the greatest happiness" =)