trying to find the lyrics of a chi song now..
it's damn nice..
the tune is lyk very sparkiling..
sang by jay chou.. of cuz!
today dance was gd..
we were the only sch hu nv get scolding again..
until the seniors of other schs were betting tt we will not get scolding..
the rates were as high as 1:200.. lolol..
aft dance..
we went ginza to eat..
i ate the chilli la la..
very nice!!!!!!
everyone was trying to kope frm me..
then we went to find a gift to buy for the helpers..
we cldnt find anything..
n i suggested smth.....
we bot 6 milkbottles..
i brought them home..
we were planning to make milk for them to drink..
since i've been drinking milk..
i'll do the job..
they hafto to drink on the spot!!
how cute r we???!!!
but i wonder how im going to bring 6 milkbottles to sch on nxt tues????
9 more days to SYF!!!
it's gonna be hard work these wk..
but we gonna pia!!!
for the sake of a Gold with Honour!
n the holiday we will get the nxt day..
ok.. i've managed to make mdm ji signed a contract tt we will take a leave frm sch on wed ryt aft SYF if we manage to get a Gold with Honour..
very hard to get her to sign smth..
she's too smart u see..