Tuesday, July 12, 2005

baq to blogging..

these two sayd can be summed up by saying tt i was a real crazy gal to amanda.. i just do wadever thing tt come to my mind.. n singing n toking to her in gibberish languages.. n giving her special n unique name tt no one gets frm me.. hey.. mandy.. be proud of ur names k?? they r mmmmmmmonkey... monkey king.. n kong kong!! ok.. i keep changing my mind.. tt explain the number of names she gets..

the guys were having troubles today.. they played truant ytd n skipped 2 english lesson to play soccer.. ms chng was angry tt when it was form teacher's period.. she asked the rest of us to hang arnd outside n far away frm her classrm.. even mr tan eng wee said he's nv seen ms chng so angry b4.. but the thing is.. she nv give us anywork when she's absent.. so there's no use being in class anyway.. n till nw.. we r still trying to find out hu's the culprit hu gave them away.. we suspect.. SUSPECT.. suspect only.. is one of the 3 malay gals in our class.. hmmm.. im not saying anything.. just suspect!!

cant wait for this fri to come!!!! going to esplanade to watch electrico!!! gosh.. can see them live lah!!!! so far the ones confirmed are me (obviously).. yunli.. isaac n hairi.. joleen n lizhen n gary havent confirm yet.. i've been waiting for so long lah!!!

im starting to love chem lessons more n more.. cuz i can tok to sr n cn.. i min.. real tok.. they filled me in abt the ms chng thing.. n cn shared abt his view for the PE incident.. btw.. the PE incident goes lyk this.. cn was in charge of taking the results for the standing broad jump.. then it's the girls' turn.. some of the girls in our class aare lyk so missy la.. they request to mr lim tt they dun wan cn to take their results.. then they request to mr lim tt they dun wan cn there watching.. it's lyk.. wth la.. hu's gonna look at u loh!!!! i min.. even if u r tt hell beautiful.. u shld also consider other pple's feelings ryt?? wads the diff if he sits there or not.. ur not gonna jump further or wad.. i min just put urself in his shoes.. wad if u r the one tt's asked to leave? wun u feel disappointed with ur classmates? during recess.. i saw cn lyk just throw down his utensils n went off.. can imagine how pissed off he was.. but luckily he controlled himself.. then today he told us abt wad happened.. n wad he tinks lah.. i find he really matured.. he once told me tt he fight wid his classmates n punched a teacher b4 in pri sch.. but nw he tell us tt he tinks b4 he acts.. hmm.. not bad not bad!! hahah..

anyway.. gary's got the tics to the superstar revival competition!!!! woah!!!! i wan to go n see weijian!!!! but nid to join gary's fanclub.. n nid to go to esplanade on a saturday morning at 10am to make banners.. lyk.. er.. nvm.. i dun wan to go alrdy.. stay at home n watch tv!!!!!!!!!

tml got bio n phy tests.. feel so tempted to slp.. but decided not to.. i've gotta buck up alrdy.. aargh..........!!!!!

When your eyes say it
I love to hear you say that you love me
With words so sweet
And I love the way with just one whisper
You tell me everything
And when you say those words
It's the sweetest thing I've ever heard
But when your eyes say it
That's when I know that it's true
I feel it
I feel the love coming through
I know it
I know that you truly care for me
'Cause it's there to see
When your eyes say it
I love all the ways that you show me
You'll never leave
And the way your kisses, they always convince me
Your feelings run so deep
I love the things you say
And I love the love your touch conveys
But when your eyes say it
That's when I know that it's true
I feel it
I feel the love coming through
I know it
I know that you truly care for me
'Cause it's there to see
When your eyes say it
But when your eyes say it
That's when I know that it's true
I feel it
I feel the love coming through
I know it
I know that you truly care for me
'Cause it's there to see
When your eyes tell me
I know they're not tellin' lies
They tell me
All that you're feelin' inside
And it sounds so right
When your eyes say it, say it
And the words that say take my breath away
No song ever sounded so sweet
I love every word that they say to me
But when your eyes say it
That's when I know that it's true
I feel it
I feel the love coming through
I know it
I know that you truly care for me
'Cause it's there to see
When your eyes say it
But when your eyes say it
That's when I know that it's true
I feel it
I feel the love coming through
I know it
I know that you truly care for me
'Cause it's there to see
When your eyes tell me
I know they're not tellin' lies
They tell me
All that you're feelin' inside
And it sounds so right
When your eyes say it