Thursday, July 28, 2005

today was fun!!! the guys r all so funny..

recess shawn made breakfast.. crabstick mayo.. yumx yumx.. so nice.. n i spreaded such a thick layer tt the others dun haf much left.. lol..

eng i had nth beta to do.. so i went to play sr n yy.. sr tot me abit of indices n surds.. then i started playing them..

during assembly.. yixuan helped me massage my arms.. wow.. she's damn gd!!! so nice lah the feeling.. chinese opera was damn funny.. their english is direct translation one.. lyk the chinese say "gei ni yi dian yan se(colour) kan..(let me show you some of my skills)" then they direct translate to "let me show you some colour.." the whole hall luff lyk siao lah!!!!

second break i ate pataya fried rice.. it's damn nice.. but very hot!!! i drank 2 packets of ice lemon tea.. then in maths class.. i was having avery bad headache.. cuz of my sorethroat n spicy food..then yixuan told me to eat sweet.. n i took yong jun's sweet.. guess wad.. it's clorets.. HOT sweet.. gosh lah.. i am so dizzy n pain... nvm.. i rested awhile..

during break.. me n amanda went to toilet.. then just happened to see the guys playing monkey wid their soccer balls.. so we went to watch.. lol.. they were so funny.. aft awhile.. we went baq to class..

aft maths lesson.. me n amanda followed the guys to see them continue their game.. cool.... setia got hit in the face.. n jon did a big somersault.. lolol.. then they changed place.. so we continue to follow them.. they asked us to help them look aft their stuffs.. n ryan threw me his sweaty towel!!! erks!!!! u guys r so coooolll!!!

they kept saying "sia".. we were so annoyed tt we started counting the number of sia they r going to say.. i tink there's abt 30 or more.. until they realised tt we were counting their "sia"s.. they started to keep saying sia sia sia sia.. we so fed up we stopped counting.. ahaha.. then we went home..

actually watching them play soccer can be quite fun too.. beta than going out to shop.. lol..