Friday, July 29, 2005

yay!!! changed my blogskins.. this cartoon is so cute.. n the posting.. if u did notice.. it reads.. "Afraid to..... Love YOU!!"

my head feels lyk it's weighing a thousand tonnes nw.. pain.. n dizzy.. n im still facing this stupid com screen.. wad the hell n i doing? but nvm.. smth just made me smile.. =)

ytd i was real bored.. im so bored to the extent tt i went into my rm n i sit on my bed.. n scanned the rm looking for smth to do or sum bks to read.. but i cldnt find anything.. so in the end i went to tok to every of my family members hu r still awake.. i told my father n ah gong of the direct translation of tt stupid chinese opera thingy.. then i went into my auntie's rm n ask her abt her feeling of having a brand new tv.. then i went to tok to my sis hu's using the com.. she tells me she's searching for free sugar n she asked me wad is it.. i asked her wad proj is tt.. n she told me dental project...?????????? so i guess i beta go hide in the rm then.. then i decided to slp.. 5 mins ltr.. my sis came in n on the tv to watch the superstar's result.. n tt woke me up.. so i watched too.. end alrdy.. i found my sister snoring away.. dotx la..

actually im supposed to be slpy.. cuz i took medicine which cause drowsiness.. but strangely im feeling so energetic in sch.. everyone's lyk so tired n im moving all arnd..

today -seOwhUii- has been a very very gd gal.. while sitting outside the class of ms chng.. she's quietly studying away.. whn ytd.. she was disturbing the guys.. even shaorong said tt she's been a very gd gal today.. ms chng is obviously unexpecting us to be able to hold on for so long.. she keeps coming out of the class n look at us.. maybe waiting for one of us to surrender to her?? i rather sit outside.. cuz i can revise my subj tt way.. rather than wasting time in her class..

im still wondering if i shld go tml out late with them.. meaning the eat bread gang.. lyk im gonna reach home at 12+ loh.. it's so late.. n it's aft a performance.. shall see..

im so sian nw.. dunno wad to do again.. shall go revise another 5 chapts of phy ltr.. tatatatatatas~~

you're beautiful..
you're beautiful..
you're beautiful it's true..
i saw your face in a crowded place..
but i cant escape the truth..
i will nv be with youuuuu~~