Friday, July 08, 2005

hehe... nice story?? i created myself..

lots of things happen these few days.. i went bukit panjang plaza to eat orh ah mee sua on 2 days consecutively.. haha.. im really not sick of it..

my mother very funny.. she go buy one bottle of bacardi for me.. she say to let me be drunk.. lol.. so cute..

yongjun, daniel, jon n ivan has been singing the nfk song for the past 2 days.. arent they ever sick of it?????

went out with yuting, hairi, mark, shawn n zach.. watched fantastic fours.. nice nice.. then went to eat at breeks.. yumm.. but ex.. then we went to play pool.. gosh.. im so lousy lah.. they hafta teach me.. i also nid zach n hairi to make the hand support for me.. n i keep hitting the air.. erk.. but it was fun.. hahaha.. then we all took the same bus home.. since all of us haf the common bus-143.. at first meeting them was kind of umm.. awkward.. but then slowly.. we started to talk n talk.. haha.. then jiehao board the bus too.. we even found out tt jiehao was mark's junior frm the same pri sch.. n i was hairi's junior frm the same pri sch.. then hairi stay near jiehao.. n i stay near mark.. ahhaha..

nice time going out with them.. lololol.. n i keep dropping ice cream!!!!!