Sunday, July 10, 2005

lalalalal.. no tuition today.. wahahha.. so shuang.. actually can slp till late late.. but then in the end my father woke me up at 11 and ask me to go sentosa.. so fine loh..

then i suggested to watch movie instead.. since we got free movie tics.. so we went plaza sing to watch.. my father damn funny lah.. he say the seats number are 3, 4 n 5.. so i saw 5 n sat down.. the seats are separated.. then in the end my father sat at number 5.. then got this grp of ang mohs came.. they tell my father tt he was sitting at their place.. then we found out tt it's actually 2, 3 n 4.. gosh.. we were luffing lyk crazy.. n my father's damn pai seh!

war of the world's not bad.. no sex scene.. no kissing scene.. nice.. exciting.. haha.. duhz duhz duhz..

then we took bus n went home.. quite boring.. cuz my father's not the type hu goes shopping..