Monday, July 04, 2005

hope to get tt adidas shoes.. aiming for tt since dec hol last yr.. lol.. nw it's only $129.. at another shop i min..

gosh.. so many pple jealous tt i took photo wid fiona xie.. mostly guys.. come to tink of it.. wad is all tt craze abt? is it bcuz she is a mediacorp star? or is it bcuz she has big boobs? u guys r desperate.. i min.. be cool lah.. wait till u see my photos wid lin xiang pin.. she was wearing a real low cut tt day.. lol..

ok.. i hafta admit.. all the artistes are really very pretty n handsome.. gosh.. tay ping hui has just become my idol.. mabbe nxt time i shall apply for a job as a hairstylist at mediacorp.. since all of them agree tt i m obviously beta than the PROFESSIONAL hairstylist at tying their hair.. hmm.. worth to be considered.. will try it out..

anyway.. guys.. pardon me for making u jealous.. i really didnt min to.. -goes down on my knees- i promise to take more wid them n then show u all.. lyk.. duhz.......

Don't dare to make contact with your eyes
Scared that I will fall in love with you Something that's out of my control
Afraid of being with you alone
Scared that I will fall in love with you Something that's out of my control
Don't dare to walk with you under the sunset
Scared that I will fall in love with you Something that's out of my control
Don't dare to appreciate the clouds and trees with you
Scared that I will fall in love with you Something that's out of my control
When the breeze is complaining in front of my window
I'm thinking of you Something that's out of my control
When the moon is floating amidst the fog
I'm thinking of you Something that's out of my control
When everyone's celebrating
I'm thinking of you Something that's out of my control
When everyone has left and I'm all alone
I'm thinking of you Something that's out of my control
Now then I realised I've fallen for you

So used to reciting you all over again in the middle of the night
Supposed to give up but that feeling's returned again
Hurt Sweetness Sleepless nights Caused by you~~
The warm breeze touches my confused heart
The clear sky takes away all the hurting tears
Forget The past Struggles Pathetic
I don't hope that you will still belong to me tomorrow
I only hope that this love will be hidden forever
Although this world will heartlessly take away everything that we once shared
You are still beautiful in my heart
I admit that in my heart, I cannot bear the pain
But I believe that by wishing you luck is all that I can give
I only ask that this love will accompany you through all the hard times
You will then own the brightest smile

Open up the windows and watched the stars
The wings of memory are flying
The breezy shore and the dancing weeds
How I wish that you are right here beside me
The courageous swallow
Please tell him my wish
Tell him that I'm still waiting under the bridge
Waiting for him to return to me
Wants to give him a home A few words And a true heart
Let me bury my face in your chest
Holding you while making my wish
Having your love is like having the paradise
All my happiness will last forever
Having you in my life just seem so different
It's like having a ray of light in darkness
My love just hug me tight
Hug me tightly and don't let go

gosh.. mushy words but meant alot..