Tuesday, August 16, 2005

gosh.. amanda was so scariee today.. i dunno wad happened to her.. she's so stress.. im so scared of her tt i dun dare to crack anymore jokes to her anymore.. ltr she angry with me.. so i went to join yx n yt.. i juz cant stop playing u understand????

pe was fun.. i guess tt was the only time i see amanda REALLY smiled today.. we were practicing batting.. n we haf to grab 3 balls b4 we can get the chance to bat.. cool.. i was running all arnd.. hahaha.. enjoyed myself ALOT even though we were sweating lyk siao.. anyway.. today mr lim flared up cuz we nv change n the gals were so slow.. but it's not my fault mah.. i always bring then he nv scold.. just nice i forgot to bring then he scolded..

gng to IMM with my mother n auntie nw.. shall update u all ltr.. haha..