Saturday, August 13, 2005

my sister is crazieeee!!! she's using the vacuum cleaner to suck out the excess air in the ziplock bag.. she packed all her clothes in ziplock bags n is trying to make them smaller.. lol.. but the noise can be frustrating!!!

ytd had a GREAT performance.. nocody watched.. can u blif it?? ok la.. not nobody.. is very few pple.. hahah.. we were performing for the "abangs" u noe??

went home n slpt for 14 hrs lah.. ahhaha.. till today morning 9.30am.. i wonder y im so tired.. wadever..

then went to my cousin's hse.. ooh.. cute little brandon n damien again!!! today damien performed kickboxing for us.. he kept moving n turning when we r carrying him.. haha.. but he's cute!!! brandon's so cute too.. he got so jealous tt we put all the attention on damien.. lol.. then me n my cousin went to lot 1 to shop.. we both bot the same top.. very nice.. my sis say it's exotic.. lol.. then we bot a set of clothes for brandon for his show tml.. oh yah.. btw.. brandon got shortlisted n will be competing with other babies at IMM tml in round one for the "Baby Bonanza 2005".. gd luck my cute nephew!!!

came home n went down to play badminton with jiali.. we kept luffing n luffing til in the end.. i tink we were picking up the shuttlecock more than hitting it lah.. hahaha..

yay!!! my mother buying hp for me.. lyk once in a blue moon lah.. summore this time is she initiated one.. im so happy.. n i've set my mind on the motorola v3 razor.. very slim n nice to use.. heheh.. anyway.. my o lvl chinese got a2.. im kind of disappointed cuz i expected a2.. =)

was having this tot while shitting just nw.. sometimes.. pple just got to be selfish in order not to get hurt..

-selfish with money.. cuz we dunno whether pple will return it back or not..
-selfish with effort.. cuz we dunno whether we will get the credit anot..
-selfish with beliefs.. cuz we dunno whether the ONE really exist anot..
-selfish with love.. cuz we dunno whether we will be loved back anot..

wad do u tink??