Thursday, August 18, 2005

today cld have been more enjoyable if we haf activities planned out.. instead of just walking arnd aimlessly.. so in the end.. we sat down in yoshinoya n did half an hr of revision.. i finished 7 amaths qns in tt half an hr..

watched the maid too.. gosh.. only when i sat down did i realise tt i was sitting at one end.. darn.. scarieeeeee~~~

came home n finished up to qn 21.. m i pro or wad?? this is lyk much much more then i can normally do.. i tink taking a day off frm sch can prove to be gd too.. lol..

xinhui is out.. it's lyk so expectable.. kelly has more mass appeal than her.. so it's naturally tt xinhui shld be out.. n she's too much of an attention grabber.. with her big-extra-large-bunny-tooth.. haha..

kelvin is in.. am i blind or wad?? how can he be in?? gosh.. he's voice got this darn stupid sound tt i cannot stand.. too.. "retro".. lyk those kind of fei yu qing times.. cannot.!!!! im going to vote for kelly alrdy!!!!

i havent write excuse letter.. how????

i feel so tired suddenly.. dunno over wad.. just...... tired. i nid sumone to lean on.. sumone hu is always there.. n hu can show me care n concern when im most down.. someone to make me happy when im sad.. n to listen to my crap n nv get tired of me.. lalalalalal...

right now.. im really bucking up.. trying very very hard nw.. i hope i have this attitude towards study right frm the very start.. then i wldnt haf to work so hard nw.. i gues i'll just do my very very best nw n leave everything up to God.. he's the one whom i can run to.. =)

tml got 3 periods of maths lecture.. pple rmb to bring a notebk along.. mr lee lecturing again.. n mr wong scolding again.. lol.. blardy hell.. hu do u tink u r?? u tink the tchers serve u?? blardy hell-y YES.

Can you see me?
Here I am..
Standing here where I've always been..
And when words are not enough..
I climb inside your heart and still find..
You're my safest place to hide.. =)