Sunday, August 07, 2005

whoopie!!! back frm FOP.. the atmosphere over there is damn great..i just cant stop myself frm having fun..

went to my cousin's.. had a gd look at her precious 2nd son.. Damien.. (nice name..) he's so cuteeeeee!!! i cant stop carrying him.. lol.. n we took alot of photos.. he's just so... vulnerable..... lyk a little baby.. needing sum1's protection.. gosh.. anyway.. he's a baby.. ok.. im toking cock!!!

bought tidbits n drinks for the guys n then took a cab to isaac's hse to pick him up.. can u blif it?? I went to pick ISAAC up.. a GAL picking a GUY up.. tt guy's damn sissy man.. lol.. okok.. sorry.. but it's really true.. i min.. wads these guys doing nowadays???? some guys make me wait for them.. some guys make me ask somebody qns for them.. n some guys make me go pick them up......

indian slang: what the fuck???

so me reached the east entrance at anrd 4+.. but we r not allowed to go n join jon n setia.. but in the end we got some usher to help us thru.. but i was blocked outside.. while the guys r debating with the ushers.. i was so innocent n BORED.. so i continue eating my pocky.. lol..

in the end i got thru.. by hook or by crook i dunno.. im innocent!!! waited for so long.. sian sian sian.. we shld have brought smth to play.. finally we were allowed in.. the atmosphere damn great.. jon was so high.. setia was alright.. but im so suay.. sitting beside isaac.. isaac was lyk so bored or smth.. he's not high at all.. tt makes me feel lyk an idiot if i really jump.. in the end i went to join yuting they all.. n they were high.. so i got high too.. hehehe..

aft the whole thing.. went home with isaac chong, isaac foong, jon n setia.. took 196 to clementi.. they keep luffing at me eating pocky n acting innocent (which i m not acting).. n the stupid "im just a china gal.. dun bully me.." stuff.. n luffing at isaac foong as the jay chou.. lololo..

then me isaac chong n foong went to eat cup noodles.. then we went to eat at mac till they close.. in the end we took cab home.. reached home at nearly 1am.. n isaac chong sent me home.. luckily got him.. hahaha..

ok.. i shall make a declaration nw.. in case pple say tt i did not say earlier..


done.. big n attractive.. lolololo..

still tinking whether i shld go out ltr.. sian at home.. but no money to spend.. lalalala..

you just call out my name..
and u noe wherever i am..
i'll come running to see u again..
winter, spring, summer or fall..
all u've got to do is call..
n i'll be there.. yes i will..
u've got a fren..!!!! =)