Wednesday, August 24, 2005

how i spent my day..

i did 30 emaths qns today.. quite lyk the feeling of accomplishing smth.. =) went to sci ctr's mac aft sch to study.. koped alot of bks to read while gng to yuting n lizhen's hse. i motivated them to study.. haha..

did another 30 emaths qns today.. cool!! nw im starting to lyk maths.. ryan qas quite swt when he signed his name on my foolscap paper n told me to call his name 3 times n he will come to my rescue.. lyk.. so cute.. haha.. i told amanda to try it out for me.. n her really responded.. lol.. then i called his name 3 times again.. but he failed.. useless superman..

saw hime in sch today again.. i was walking out of the toilet n i had such a shock when i saw him.. nw he's coming back to sch regularly.. abit weird.. lyk an on-off thing.. hahah.. luckily the guys were not there.. if not they surely tease me again..

so moody today.. m feeling so uncomfortable ryt frm the morning.. kept slping during classes.. the i went home n skipped maths lesson cuz im really feeling unwell.. gary n isaac escorted me home.. they were really funny.. gary carried my bag n isaac carried my bottle.. they kept joking tt i forgot my uncomfortable for tt very period.. hahahaha.. n when i came home.. i realised i had fever..

spent these 3 days lyk tt.. normal.. but fun! =)